With our collections we let in the light. And we embrace the ethos of lightness in our creativity. Here’s what lightness means to Silhouette and how it informs our Purist designs.
What does lightness mean?
Lightness represents many things, but to Silhouette lightness is a state of mind that we apply to everything we create. It can guide our decisions and allows us to view things in an ever-evolving way. Lightness elevates our thinking and enables us to create, grow and achieve in ways that without lightness would be impossible. And that is why lightness is the inspiration for Purist, Silhouette's premium, ultra-lightweight, rimless collection.
Free yourself from barriers with our lesser-framed Purist range. Try-on virtually.
Where do we find lightness?
Lightness can be seen and felt. A visual perception of luminance, a sensation of freedom and creativity, a reflection of clarity and illumination. When we learn to look with lightness, we achieve true lucidity. When we maintain a light spirit, we rise above the ordinary.
How are we inspired by lightness?
Roland Keplinger, Silhouette’s Director of Design explains how lightness acts as his muse and how he strives for it in his designs: “Lightness comes quite naturally by exploring material, technology and a lot of refinement. I love to add sensuality by flowing lines and the right tactility, because this means lightness for me as well.”
How does the Purist collection embrace lightness?
By defining the relationship between Purist and lightness, Roland also explains the parallels between the concept of the term Purist and the attributes of lightness.
“For me it means the reduction to the essential. A state of mind to seek for simplicity.” He adds: “By asking questions like: ‘Is this line or feature really necessary? Can we reduce it?’”, allows him to further refine his work to align with Purist values.
And what is Roland a Purist about outside of his design work?
“I’m a Purist when it comes to sourdough bread. There is nothing better than a simple slice of fresh bread from my favourite little bakery. Nothing fancy, just rich in taste with a strong crust and a piece of butter – the right start to a day.”
Our Purist range harnesses the power of lightness. Allow the light in every day by choosing Silhouette.