Para asegurar que las gafas te queden bien, haznos saber el tamaño de tu cabeza. ¿Qué talla se adapta mejor a ti?
¿Dónde puedo encontrar el ancho de mi lente?
El ancho de tu lente se encuentra en el interior de la varilla. Es el primer número justo antes del símbolo del cuadrado y por lo general oscila entre 46 y 62 mm
Una nueva interpretación de nuestros clásicos atemporales: Los Accent Shades convencen por su estilo sencillo. El modelo Ring logra un carácter deportivo gracias al trazado dinámico de las líneas de la montura.
Una nueva interpretación de nuestros clásicos atemporales: Los Accent Shades convencen por su estilo sencillo. El modelo Ring logra un carácter deportivo gracias al trazado dinámico de las líneas de la montura.
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Una nueva interpretación de nuestros clásicos atemporales: Los Ac...
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El filtro polarizado con 12 capas perfectamente combinadas procura una visión clara sin molestos reflejos, garantizando una visión relajada.
Silhouette Light Management®
La innovadora tecnología de Silhouette Light Management® proporciona una protección UV 100% y una alta protección antideslumbramiento, así como la percepción de los colores más brillantes y vivos.
Disponibles en los colores clásicos gris, marrón y verde.
El filtro polarizado con 12 capas perfectamente combinadas procura una visión clara sin molestos reflejos, garantizando una visión relajada.
Silhouette Light Management®
La innovadora tecnología de Silhouette Light Management® proporciona una protección UV 100% y una alta protección antideslumbramiento, así como la percepción de los colores más brillantes y vivos.
Disponibles en los colores clásicos gris, marrón y verde.
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Productos Click & Collect en tu cesta de la compra
Tu cesta de la compra contiene actualmente productos que se entregarán en tu óptica. Por favor, completa primero el proceso de pedido.
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Productos Click & Collect en tu cesta de la compra
Su carrito de compras actualmente contiene productos que serán entregados en su dirección. Por favor, complete primero su proceso de pedido en línea.
Tu cesta de la compra contiene actualmente productos que se entregarán en tu óptica. Por favor, completa primero el proceso de pedido.
RingPure Black
Este producto se ha añadido a tu cesta de la compra
Mi Tamaño
Personalizar tamaño
Elige el tamaño de tu cabeza
Para asegurar que las gafas te queden bien, haznos saber el tamaño de tu cabeza. ¿Qué talla se adapta mejor a ti?
¿Dónde puedo encontrar el ancho de mi lente?
El ancho de tu lente se encuentra en el interior de la varilla. Es el primer número justo antes del símbolo del cuadrado y por lo general oscila entre 46 y 62 mm
{{ }}
{{ product.sku }}
Color de montura9040 Pure Black
Color de la lenteSLM Grey
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Envío y devolución sin coste
Plazo de entrega entre 2 y 5 días
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Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 3-4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.
Los siguientes productos de su cesta de la compra no se encuentran disponibles. Por tanto, los hemos quitado de su cesta de la compra para que pueda continuar con su pedido.
Prueba las gafas Silhouette en línea: con el probador virtual
Qué se necesita
Un dispositivo móvil (teléfono inteligente o tableta) o un ordenador equipado con una cámara.
Opcional: Una tarjeta de tamaño estándar
Cómo funciona el probador virtual
Usa la cámara de tu dispositivo para grabar un vídeo de tu rostro
También puedes tomar una foto de tu rostro mientras colocas una tarjeta de tamaño estándar dentro del marco. Esto asegurará que el tamaño de las gafas sea lo más fiel a la realidad.
Las gafas sol y graduado disponibles ahora en el probador virtual.
Silhouette protege sus datos
Puedes borrar tu grabación en cualquier momento.
Tu grabación solo se utilizará y guardará para la prueba virtual.
{{ }}
{"find_retailer_nearby":"Busque una tienda cerca de usted.","send_me_the_journal":"Sí, me gustaría recibir gratuitamente el\nSilhouette Journal.","without_styleshades":"Sin Style Shades","find_retailer_near_you":"Encuentre un distribuidor cerca de usted.","you_are_in":"Usted se encuentra en","shape":"Forma","form_atelier_serialnumber_placeholder":"Número de serie","product_overview_loading":"Los productos se están cargando...","color":"Color","glassshape":"Forma de lentes","got_it":"Acepto","page_was_not_found":"No se ha encontrado la página.","something_went_wrong":"Algo ha fallado.","we_are_sorry":"¡Lo sentimos mucho!","please_try_again":"Vuelva a intentarlo.","no_search_results_found_for_term":"Lamentablemente no se han encontrado resultados para este concepto.","explore_in_360":"Descubrir 360°","remember_this_configuration":"Memorizar esta personalización","product_configuration_heading":"Personalice sus gafas","search_placeholder":"Introduzca su concepto de búsqueda...","lang_arabic":"العربية","lang_japanese":"日本語","lang_korean":"한국어","lang_chinese":"中文","lang_spanish":"Español","lang_french":"Français","retailersearch":"Búsqueda de establecimientos","lang_german":"Deutsch","lang_italian":"Italiano","lang_english":"English","find_retailer":"Encontrar una óptica","mr":"Señor","mrs":"Señora","firstname":"Nombre","lastname":"Apellido","email":"Correo electrónico","street":"Calle","zip":"CP","city":"Ciudad","country":"País","state":"Estado federado","language":"Idioma","newsletterlanguage":"Idioma del newsletter","journallanguage":"Idioma de la revista","send":"Enviar","comment":"Su mensaje","agree_privacy":"He leído el acuerdo de privacidad y doy mi consentimiento.","required_fields":"* Campos obligatorios","newsletter_success_headline":"¡Muchas gracias! Solo falta un paso.","form_send_error_headline":"Lamentablemente se ha producido un error.","subscribe_to_newsletter":"Quiero suscribirme al newsletter de Silhouette.","yes":"Sí","no":"No","has_atelier_model":"¿Ya tiene un modelo Atelier?","your_message":"Su mensaje","colors":"Colores","shapes":"Formas","new":"Nuevo","no_search_results_found":"No se han encontrado resultados de búsqueda.","individualize":"Personalizar","women":"Mujer","men":"Hombre","gender":"Sexo","rimtype":"Tipo de montura","temple":"Varilla","sunprotection":"Style Shades","read_more":"Leer más","login":"Inicio de sesión","b2blogin_headline":"Bienvenido al inicio de sesión de B2B.","b2blogin_text":"Inicie sesión con su nombre de usuario y contraseña.","prominent":"Sofisticada","soft":"Soft","neutral":"Neutra","fullrim":"Montura completa","halfrim":"Media montura","rimless":"Al aire","not_foldable":"Sin bisagra","foldable":"Con bisagra","reset_filter":"Restablecer el filtro","with_styleshades":"Con Style Shades","form_send_error_text":"Envíe un correo electrónico a","newsletter_success_text":"En breve recibirá un correo electrónico de nosotros. Confírmenos con él su inscripción para el newsletter de Silhouette.","located_in":"We think you are located in","want_to_visit":"Do you want to visit","visit":"Acepto","share_this_page":"Comparta esta página","choose_another_country":"Choose another country","male":"Hombre","female":"Mujer","region":"Región","your_favorites":"Sus favoritos","all":"Todos","optics":"Gafas graduadas","sun":"Sol","remove_all_favorites":"Borrar todos los favoritos","your_searchresults_for":"Sus resultados de búsqueda para","results":"Resultados","show_all_results":"Mostrar todos los resultados","page":"Página","pages":"páginas","of":"de","contactform_success_headline":"¡Muchas gracias por su mensaje!","contactform_success_text":"Hemos recibido correctamente su mensaje.","no_favorites":"Aún no hay gafas en su lista de favoritos.","explore":"Descubrir","get_inspired":"Déjese inspirar y descubra nuestros productos.","back_to_overview":"Volver a la vista general","favorites":"Favoritos","contact":"Contacto","collection":"Colección","search":"Búsqueda","load_more":"Cargar más","loading":"Cargando","product_detail_mail_sharing":"Este es el aspecto de mis gafas personalizadas:","related_products":"Productos similares","open_filter":"Filtro","download_press_kit":"Download Press Kit","remember_this_article":"Remember this Article","print_this_article":"Print this Article","newsroom_category_optical-eyewear":"Optical Eyewear","newsroom_category_sunglasses":"Sunglasses","newsroom_category_vision-sensation":"Vision Sensation","newsroom_category_stories":"Stories","all_categories":"All Categories","timespan":"Timespan","press_contact":"Press Contact","related_posts":"Related Posts","category":"Category","month_02":"Febrero","month_03":"Marzo","month_04":"Abril","month_05":"Mayo","month_06":"Junio","month_07":"Julio","month_08":"Agosto","month_09":"Septiembre","month_10":"Octubre","month_11":"Noviembre","month_12":"Diciembre","cookiebar_link":"Acuerdo de privacidad","cookiebar_text":"Utilizamos cookies para hacer que el uso de nuestras página web le resulte lo más agradable posible. 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lente","material":"Material","weight":"Peso","included":"Se incluye","buy_sun_in_onlineshop":"Comprar gafas de sol Silhouette en la tienda online","more":"Más","friend_email":"Correo electrónico de un amigo","friend_firstname":"Nombre de un amigo","friend_lastname":"Apellido de un amigo","contact_and_help":"Contacto y ayuda","or":"o bien","free_delivery":"Entrega gratuita","free_delivery_text":"En 5 días laborables","free_returns":"Devolución gratuita","free_returns_text":"En 14 días","secure_payment":"Pagar de forma segura","secure_payment_text":"Con certificado SSL","security_and_data_privacy":"Seguridad y protección de datos","data_privacy":"Protección de datos","terms_and_conditions":"Condiciones generales","iam_already_registered":"Iniciar sesión","create_new_account":"Crear una cuenta de usuario","forgot_password":"¿Contraseña olvidada?","create_account":"Registrarse","phone":"Teléfono","password":"Contraseña","password_confirm":"Confirmar la contraseña","back_to_login":"Volver a 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compra","filter_no_products_found":"Lamentablemente no se han encontrado productos para esta filtración.","wishlist":"Favoritos","no_wishes_yet":"Aún no hay productos en su lista de favoritos.<br>Déjese inspirar y descubra gafas únicas.","current_password":"Contraseña actual","new_password":"Contraseña nueva","confirm_new_password":"Confirmar la contraseña nueva","password_changed":"La contraseña se ha cambiado correctamente","ship_address":"Dirección de entrega","empty_cart":"Aún no hay productos en la cesta de compra.","already_registered":"Ya tengo una cuenta de cliente","i_am_new":"Me gustaría crear una cuenta de cliente","use_ship_as_bill":"Utilizar la dirección de entrega como dirección de factura","address":"Dirección","shipping_method":"Forma de envío","shipping_method_standard":"Estándar","payment_method":"Forma de pago","finish_checkout":"Finalización","checkout_accept_terms":"He leído las <a href=\"#\" class=\"uk-link uk-text-normal\" target=\"_blank\">Condiciones generales<\/a> incluyendo la instrucción sobre el <a href=\"#\" class=\"uk-link uk-text-normal\" target=\"_blank\">Derecho de revocación<\/a> y doy mi consentimiento.","order_checkout":"Realizar un pedido en firme","order_placed_successfully":"Pedido finalizado correctamente","your_order_number_is":"Su número de pedido es","we_sent_confirm_email":"Hemos enviado un correo electrónico de confirmación a su dirección de correo electrónico.","back_to_home":"Volver a la página de inicio","order_history":"Desarrollo del pedido","empty_order_history":"Hasta ahora no se ha realizado ningún pedido.","date":"Fecha","order_number":"Número de pedido","price":"Precio","status":"Situación","my_cart":"Cesta de compra","subtotal":"Subtotal","incl_tax":"Impuesto incl.","shipping_costs":"Costes de envío","total_sum":"Importe total","continue_shopping":"Seguir comprando","go_to_checkout":"Finalizar pedido","remove_product":"Quitar el producto","select_address_first":"Introduzca primero una dirección de entrega","reset_password":"Restablecer la contraseña","request_email":"Solicitar un correo electrónico","reset_password_email_sent":"Hemos enviado un enlace a su dirección de correo electrónico para que cambie su contraseña.","inquiry_success_headline":"Hemos recibido correctamente su consulta.","status_open":"Pendiente","status_pending":"A la espera del pago","status_processing":"Preparado para envío","status_shipped":"Enviado","status_on_hold":"Esperando","status_cancelled":"Cancelado","status_not_payed":"Cancelado: Pago no efectuado","status_returned":"Devolución recibida","status_delivered":"Entregado","product":"Producto","quantity":"Cantidad","totals":"Total","remove_account_message":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar su cuenta?<br> Perderá el acceso a sus pedidos.","no_thanks":"No borrar la cuenta","yes_remove_permanent":"Sí, borrar la cuenta definitivamente","coupon_discount":"Descuento por bono","apply":"Canjear","revoke_order":"Revocar el pedido","password_min":"Contraseña (al menos 6 caracteres)","view_order":"Ver el pedido","order_number_short":"N.º pedido","filter_products":"Filtrar productos","revoke_email_body":"Quiero revocar mi pedido con el número de pedido {order_number}.","revoke_email_subject":"Revocar el pedido","logged_in_as":"Iniciado sesión como","enter_coupon":"Introducir el código aquí","payment_method_paypal_express":"PayPal","go_to_shop":"Ir a la tienda","productinformation":"Información de producto","minicart_limit":"Como máximo se pueden añadir 3 productos y 6 accesorios a la cesta de compra.","add_to_wishlist":"Añadir a favoritos","remove_from_wishlist":"Eliminar de favoritos","continue_as_guest":"Continuar como invitado","frequently_tested_and_awarded":"Comprobado y galardonado a menudo","payment_method_ingenico-creditcard":"Tarjeta de crédito","payment_method_ingenico-direct-ebanking":"Transferencia inmediata","name":"Nombre","cardnumber":"Número de tarjeta","expiration":"Válida hasta (MM\/AA)","cvc":"Número de verificación","card_number_invalid":"Actualmente admitimos Visa y Mastercard para el pago con tarjeta de crédito. Introduzca un número de tarjeta válido.","card_holder_invalid":"Introduzca el titular de la tarjeta (sin caracteres especiales).","card_expiration_invalid":"La fecha introducida no es válida.","card_cvc_invalid":"El número de verificación introducido no es válido.","please_check_creditcard":"Compruebe los datos de su tarjeta de crédito.","explore_more":"Descubrir más","unisex":"Unisex","free_shipping_and_returns":"Envío y devolución sin coste","delivery_time":"Plazo de entrega entre 2 y 5 días","sun_overview_headline":"Gafas de sol Silhouette","sun_overview_subheadline":"Famosa ligereza, elevada comodidad de uso y perfecta protección UV","sun_overview_intro_text":"Las máximas exigencias de diseño con sofisticados colores y la innovadora técnica dan como resultado unas gafas de sol con una elegancia atemporal y una perfecta protección UV.","eyewear_overview_headline":"Aspecto Silhouette","eyewear_overview_subheadline":"Famosa ligereza, elevada comodidad de uso y perfecta protección UV","eyewear_overview_intro_text":"Las máximas exigencias de diseño con sofisticados colores y la innovadora técnica dan como resultado unas gafas de sol con una elegancia atemporal y una perfecta protección UV.","logout":"Finalizar sesión","shop_this_product":"Comprar el producto","contact_retailer":"Buscar una óptica","new_arrivals":"Novedades","price_high_low":"Precio más alto","price_low_high":"Precio más bajo","highest_rated_bestseller":"Destacados","frame":"Color de montura","load_more_products":"Cargar más artículos","sbGender":"Sexo","sbRimType":"Tipo de montura","sbTechnology":"Tecnología","frameColorGroup":"Color de montura","lensColorGroup":"Color de la lente","pdp_free_delivery":"**Entrega gratuita**<br>en un plazo de 5 días laborables.<br><br>Actualmente solo enviamos a Austria.<br>Si hubiera partes del pedido no disponibles, se le informará por separado.","pdp_free_returns":"**Devolución gratuita**<br>en un plazo de 14 días.<br><br>El justificante de devolución se encuentra junto al paquete. En caso de perderlo, podrá solicitar uno nuevo en el servicio de atención al cliente.","pdp_secure_payment":"**Pago seguro**<br>con Paypal y tarjeta de crédito.<br><br>Una vez finalizado el pedido correctamente, recibirá la confirmación del pedido en la dirección de correo electrónico indicada por usted.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy":"**Seguridad y protección de datos**<br>Nuestra <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">Declaración de privacidad<\/a> le informa detalladamente sobre el procesamiento de sus datos y cuáles son sus derechos en este sentido.<br><br>Nuestras <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Condiciones generales<\/a>","pdp_contact_and_help":"**Contacto y ayuda**<br>Nuestro servicio de atención al cliente está a su disposición de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 20:00 horas y los sábados de 9:00 a 12:00 horas en la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: Austria:","sorted_by":"Clasificado según","apply_filter":"Aplicar filtro","size":"Tamaño","glass_width":"Anchura de lente","bridge":"Puente","temple_length":"Longitud de varilla","size_information":"Indicaciones de tamaño","minicart_security_1":"Free delivery within 5 working days","minicart_security_2":"Free returns within 30 working days","minicart_security_3":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card","what_do_these_sizes_mean":"¿Qué significan estos números?","opt_in_message":"Active su cuenta. Hemos enviado un correo electrónico con un enlace de confirmación a su dirección de correo electrónico. Haga clic en el enlace para activar su cuenta.","opt_in_success_message":"Gracias por registrarse en la cuenta de cliente de Silhouette. Se ha registrado correctamente. Inicie una sesión.","zip_code_invalid":"Introduzca un Código Postal válido.","back_to_atelier_collection":"Volver a Atelier Collection","materialFilter":"Material","result":"Resultado","load_more_products_count":"{visible_results} de {total_results} artículos ","retailer_nearby":"Óptica más cercano","show_map":"Mostrar mapa","agree_zbk_text":"Doy mi consentimiento para el tratamiento de mis datos personales, a saber, sexo, nombre y apellidos, dirección de correo electrónico, dirección de entrega y de facturación, mediante la creación de una cuenta de cliente con el fin de facilitar futuras transacciones de pedidos. Este consentimiento puede ser revocado en cualquier momento mediante la eliminación independiente de la cuenta de cliente por el propio cliente, sin que ello afecte a la legalidad del tratamiento de datos realizado hasta ese momento. Tras la eliminación de la cuenta de cliente por parte del cliente, todos los datos procesados serán eliminados por nosotros. Esta eliminación de la cuenta por parte del cliente corresponde a una revocación de acuerdo con el artículo 7 (3) del RGPD.","show_more":"Mostrar más","accept":"aceptar","agree_zbk_link_text":"Lea y acepte el aviso legal completo.","status_payment_refunded":"Pago reembolsado","nfc_email_headline":"Una excelente elección","nfc_email_subline":"Tu configuración personalizada de las TMA – The Icon:","nfc_email_text_retailer":"Pregunta a tu óptico por la configuración con tu graduación","nfc_email_text_shades":"Style Shades el Clip-On para sus gafas: Convierte tus Silhouette graduadas al aire en unas gafas de sol modernas y con estilo, con un solo paso.","nfc_email_button_shades":"Style Shades","nfc_email_button_retailer":"Encontrar una óptica","contact_us":"Ponte en contacto con nosotros","follow_us":"¡Síguenos!","show_less":"Mostrar menos","nfc_email_subject":"Tus TMA - The Icon personalizadas","nfc_email_text_teaser":"Siente la ligereza y la comodidad de nuestro icono de diseño, que lleva dos décadas cautivando a millones de usuarios de gafas de todo el mundo.","blog_category_faces-of-silhouette":"Faces Of Silhouette","blog_category_my-silhouette":"My Silhouette","blog_category_design-style":"Design + Style","blog_category_insights":"Insights","select_color_combination":"Seleccionar un color","select_shape_combination":"Seleccionar una forma de lentes","id":"Número de artículo","your_current_choice":"Su elección","checkout_register_signup":"Crear una cuenta de cliente para los datos indicados anteriormente. Dirección de correo electrónico utilizada: {email}","order_confirmation_register_signup":"Crear una cuenta de cliente","thank_you_registration":"Muchas gracias por su registro","activate_account_info":"Activa tu cuenta después de la compra","finish_registration":"Finalizar el registro","order_confirmation_register_headline":"Crear una cuenta de cliente","order_confirmation_register_text":"Para ver el estado de su pedido, complete su registro con la dirección de correo electrónico {email}.","company":"Empresa","nfc_go_to":"Ir a","nfc_explore_style_shades":"Descubrir las Style Shades online","nfc_done_image_subline":"Infórmate en tu óptica sobre las Style Shades","nfc_done_image_headline":"Style Shades el Clip-On para tus gafas","nfc_find_other_combinations":"Buscar otra configuración","nfc_configuration_no":"N.º configuración","nfc_with_details_to_your_personal":"con los detalles para tu configuración personal","nfc_we_sent_an_email_to":"Se ha enviado un correo electrónico a: ","nfc_done":"Listo","nfc_ask_your_retailer":"Pregunta al óptico por tus Silhouette personalizadas","nfc_please_enter_email":"Enviar la configuración por correo electrónico a: ","nfc_you_chose":"Tu configuración personal: ","nfc_choice_headline":"Excelente","nfc_share_retailer":"Compartir con tu óptico","nfc_send_email":"Enviar por correo electrónico","nfc_start_button_text":"PERSONALIZAR","nfc_start_headline":"Crea tu estilo personal con","nfc_email_subject_without_product":"Tus {collectionname} personalizadas","nfc_email_subline_without_product":"Tu configuración personalizada de las","nfc_choose_your_lens_shape":"Elige la forma de las lentes","nfc_choose_your_frame_colour":"Elige el color de la montura","no_retailers_found_zoom_out":"Lo sentimos, pero no se han encontrado resultados. Amplíe la zona para ver los resultados más cercanos.","product_not_available":"Este producto no se encuentra disponible. ","product_not_available_overlay_explanation":"Los siguientes productos de su cesta de la compra no se encuentran disponibles. Por tanto, los hemos quitado de su cesta de la compra para que pueda continuar con su pedido. ","atlas_maintenance":"<strong>Estamos realizando un pequeño mantenimiento programado.<\/strong><br>Disculpe las molestias. Volveremos a funcionar lo más rápido posible.","make_an_appointment":"Concertar una cita","select_accentring_color":"Elige el color del aro Accent Ring","accentring_color":"Color del aro Accent Ring","select_frame_color":"Elige el color de montura","shipping_footer_contact_us_link1":"Póngase en contacto con nosotros","shipping_footer_contact_us_text":"por correo electrónico o busque en las","shipping_footer_contact_us_link2":"preguntas frecuentes","excl_prescription_lenses":"sin graduación","price_from":"PVP","click_and_collect":"Click & Collect","click_and_collect_basket":"Cesta de la compra C&C","try_on_available":"Available for Try On","cleaning-cloth-text":"Con la suscripción al Silhouette Journal, recibirás una gamuza limpiadora de lentes antivaho. Disponible hasta agotar existencias.","buy_now":"Comprar ahora","learn_more":"Saber más","pdp_delivery_info":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 3-4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","choose_retailer_info":"Encontrar uno cerca y guardarlo para más adelante.","delivered_products":"Compra online","try_on_local_products":"Click & Collect","try_on_local_products_delivery":"Available in 3-4 working days.","delivered_products_delivery":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","try_on_local_payment":"Pague si se da el caso, directamente in situ.","order_summary":"Resumen de la cesta de la compra","delivery":"Entrega","free":"Gratuito","try_on_floater":"PROBAR VIRTUALMENTE","try_on_floater_button":"Iniciar el probador virtual","try_on_start_button":"Iniciar el probador virtual","try_on_optic":"Gafas graduadas","try_on_sun":"Gafas de sol","try_on_remove_video":"Borrar el probador virtual","try_on_retake_video":"Grabar un nuevo probador virtual","try_on_start_button_pop":"Iniciar el probador virtual","try_on_my_account_not_available":"Todavía no ha creado ningún probador virtual. Utiliza ahora tu probador virtual y prueba nuestra colección de gafas online. ","try_on_delete_successful":"Su imagen del probador se ha borrado correctamente","try_on_download_frontal_image":"Descargar imagen","more_options":"Más opciones","try_on_pdp":"Probador virtual","delivery_overlay_headline":"Detalles sobre el proceso de pedido","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1":"Free delivery within 5 working days.<br>We currently only deliver within Austria.","delivery_overlay_ecom":"Comprar online","appointment":"Selección de fecha","benefits_of_a_user_account":"Ventajas de una cuenta de usuario","benefits_of_a_user_account_bullet_1":"Puede ver el estado de sus pedidos actuales y pasados.","benefits_of_a_user_account_bullet_2":"Fácil gestión de sus datos, como la dirección de facturación y de entrega.","benefits_of_a_user_account_bullet_3":"Almacenamiento de su Virtual Try-On hasta 1 año.","checkout_buy_online":"Comprar online y entregar en mi dirección","checkout_buy_online_alternative":"Comprar online y entregar en una dirección alternativa","checkout_deliver_to_retailer":"Entregar a mi distribuidor asociado","choose_your_appointment":"Seleccione su fecha y hora preferidas para una cita con su óptico asociado a Click & Collect.","continue_exploring":"Descubrir otros productos","continue":"Continuar","customer_data":"Datos del cliente","details":"Detalles","fill_from_shipping_address":"Aplicar los datos de la dirección de entrega","imprint":"Aviso legal","not_specified":"No se especifica","opening_hours":"Horario de apertura","register_why_we_need_phone":"El óptico asociado a Click & Collect puede contactar con usted en este número de teléfono.","retailer_selection":"Seleccione un óptico colaborador","retailer_selection_description":"Utilice la búsqueda de establecimientos, o elija un óptico asociado a Click & Collect cerca de usted.","searching_for":"Búsqueda de...","select_your_timeslot":"Seleccione la hora deseada","timeslot":"Hora","try_on_at_optician":"Probar en el óptico","try_on_error_headline":"Lo sentimos, ha ocurrido un error","try_on_error_text":"Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo","try_on_my_account_headline":"Probador virtual","try_on_view":"View Virtual Try-On","view_product":"Ver el producto","try_on_agree_privacy":"Acepto expresamente las condiciones indicadas.","try_on_terms_and_conditions":"Probador virtual","delivery_overlay_buy_local":"Probar en el óptico asociado a Click & Collect","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2":"Devolución gratuita en 14 días. El justificante de devolución se encuentra en el paquete. En caso de pérdida, puede solicitar uno nuevo en el servicio de atención al cliente.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3":"Pago seguro con Paypal y tarjeta de crédito.<br>Una vez finalizado el pedido correctamente, recibirá la confirmación del pedido en la dirección de correo electrónico indicada por usted.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Austria: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_1":"Elija un óptico asociado a Click & Collect cerca de usted.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_2":"Concierte una cita para probar las gafas con su óptico asociado Click & Collect. El asesoramiento, personalización y posible graduación se realizará en la óptica.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 3-4 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_4":"El precio real en nuestros ópticos asociados a Click & Collect puede variar y excluye la graduación. Pague solo por lo que le gusta, directamente en el sitio.","retailer_overlay_headline":"Ópticos asociados a Click & Collect cerca de usted","retailer_overlay_subline":"Utilice la búsqueda de establecimientos, o elija un óptico asociado a Click & Collect cerca de usted.","opening_hours_not_available":"Horario de apertura no disponible.","closed":"Cerrado","save_my_favourite_retailer":"Guardar la selección de distribuidores","change_to_buy_local":"Probar en el óptico asociado a Click & Collect","change_to_delivered":"Comprar en línea y recibir la entrega","checkout_identify_headline":"Inicio de sesión","checkout_buy_local_assistance":"¿Tiene alguna pregunta?","appointment_choice":"Fecha seleccionada:","checkout_chosen_retailer":"Óptico asociado a Click & Collect seleccionado:","checkout_pickup_anytime":"Recogida en cualquier momento durante el horario de apertura del óptico asociado a Click & Collect","checkout_reserve_appointment":"Concertar una cita para una prueba y un asesoramiento en el óptico asociado a Click & Collect que haya elegido","checkout_choose_payment_method":"Seleccione la forma de pago deseada:","card_holder_name":"Titular de la tarjeta","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","checkout_accept_terms_ecom":"He leído las <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">Condiciones generales<\/a> y también he leído y aceptado el <a href=\"{1}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">Derecho de revocación<\/a> que contiene y estoy de acuerdo. He tomado nota de la <a href=\"{2}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">Política de privacidad<\/a>.","checkout_order_ecom":"Realizar un pedido en firme","checkout_order_buy_local":"Finalizar el pedido","checkout_order_mixed":"Finalizar la compra en firme y Click & Collect","checkout_empty_cart_headline":"Confirmar vaciar cesta","checkout_empty_cart_subline_1":"¿Está seguro de que quiere vaciar su cesta de la compra?","checkout_empty_cart_subline_2":"Saldrá de la cesta de la compra y será redirigido a la vista general de producto.","checkout_empty_cart_confirm":"Sí, quitar el producto","checkout_empty_cart_cancel":"No, no quitar el producto","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local":"El óptico asociado a Click & Collect ha recibido su solicitud de cita y la confirmará en un plazo de 24 horas (en días laborables). Recibirá una confirmación por correo electrónico. Si el óptico asociado no puede confirmar la cita deseada, se pondrá en contacto directamente con usted para proponerle una cita alternativa.","your_order":"Su compra online","order_date":"Fecha del pedido","your_order_overview":"Vista general del pedido","payment_at_retailer_possible":"Pague lo que le gusta, in situ en el óptico asociado a Click & Collect.","save_to_my_calendar":"Guardar en la agenda","retailer_to_confirm_appointment":"El óptico asociado a Click & Collect seleccionado le confirmará la cita elegida en las próximas 24 horas (en días laborables) o le propondrá una cita alternativa. Se le avisará por correo electrónico.","standard_delivery":"Standard delivery by Austrian Post","ecp_confirmation_page_headline":"¡Muchas gracias! Ha confirmado la solicitud de cita Click & Collect.","ecp_confirmation_page_subline":"El\/la cliente recibe al mismo tiempo una confirmación de la cita por correo electrónico. Si desea posponer la cita ya confirmada, póngase en contacto directamente con el\/la cliente para concertar una cita alternativa.","choose_retailer_info_link":"Óptico asociado a Click & Collect","card_number_invalid_short":"Actualmente admitimos solo Visa y Mastercard para el pago.","cancel":"Cancelar","qty":"Qty:","checkout_empty_cart_btn_sun":"Descubrir gafas de sol","checkout_empty_cart_btn_optic":"Descubrir gafas graduadas","available_at_appointment_date":"Disponible en la fecha seleccionada","article_number":"N.º artículo","order":"Pedido","shipping_method_austria_shipping":"shipping_method austria shipping","your_buy_local_order":"Su pedido Click & Collect","checkout_error_invalid_appointment":"Seleccione una fecha.","agree_dsgvo_buylocal_only":"Estoy de acuerdo con la <a href=\"#\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">Política de privacidad<\/a>.","agree_zbk_text_buylocal_only":"Doy mi consentimiento para el tratamiento de mis datos personales, a saber, sexo, nombre y apellidos, dirección de correo electrónico, mediante la creación de una cuenta de cliente con el fin de facilitar futuras transacciones de pedidos. Este consentimiento puede ser revocado en cualquier momento mediante la eliminación independiente de la cuenta de cliente por el propio cliente, sin que ello afecte a la legalidad del tratamiento de datos realizado hasta ese momento. Tras la eliminación de la cuenta de cliente por parte del cliente, todos los datos procesados serán eliminados por nosotros. Esta eliminación de la cuenta por parte del cliente corresponde a una revocación de acuerdo con el artículo 7 (3) del RGPD.","no_delete_confirmation":"No, cancelar","yes_delete_confirmation":"Sí, borrar el producto","delete_confirmation_message":"¿Realmente quiere eliminar el último producto de su cesta de la compra?<br><br> Esto finalizará el proceso de compra online y le llevará de nuevo a la página de resumen.","delete_confirmation_headline":"Confirmar vaciar cesta","read_less":"Leer menos","allow_geolocation_for_retailers":"Por favor, active el acceso a la ubicación en su navegador para que se puedan mostrar los ópticos asociados a Click & Collect cerca de usted.","order_ecom_failed_headline":"Lamentablemente ha habido un problema con su pago.","order_ecom_failed_text":"Por favor, vuelva a realizar su pedido y complete el pago.","order_buy_local_failed_headline":"Lamentablemente, su pedido Click & Collect no se ha enviado correctamente.","order_buy_local_failed_text":"Vuelva a intentarlo. Si el error se repite, póngase en contacto con nosotros indicando su número de pedido: {orderNumber}.","retry":"Volver a intentar","order_mixed_failed_headline":"Su pedido Click & Collect se ha realizado con éxito, pero ha habido un problema con su pago al comprar online.","order_mixed_failed_text":"El pedido Click & Collect se entrega en la óptica asociada elegida. Como la compra online no se ha completado con éxito, por favor, cree un nuevo pedido con los artículos de compra online que desee.","order_buy_local_failed_contact_email_body":"Estimado equipo de Silhouette:<br>Lamentablemente, se ha producido un error con mi pedido Click & Collect {orderNumber}.<br>Por favor, pónganse en contacto conmigo para conocer el progreso del pedido.","click_and_collect_appointment_title":"Silhouette Click & Collect","appointment_selection_description":"Entrega de su pedido Click & Collect a","pick_up_with_appointment":"Reserva de cita con el óptico asociado a Click & Collect elegido por usted","pick_up_anytime":"Recogida en cualquier momento durante el horario de apertura del óptico asociado a Click & Collect","pickup_anytime_selected":"Recogida en cualquier momento durante el horario de apertura del óptico asociado a Click & Collect","checkout_3d_secure_info":"La transacción es realizada automáticamente por la compañía de la tarjeta de crédito utilizando la autenticación de dos factores (3D-Secure), sin la cual el pago no es posible. El débito se produce tras la finalización del pedido.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 3-4 working days.","browser_not_supported_info":"El navegador que está utilizando no admite el Virtual Try-On.","change_browser_buttontext":"Cambiar","cancel_change_browser_buttontext":"Seguir","tooltip_sbTechnology\/slm":"Permite un agradable efecto de luminosidad, colores brillantes y un alto contraste con una protección antideslumbramiento óptima. ","tooltip_sbTechnology\/pol":"Proporciona una visión nítida sin reflejos desagradables y una visión relajada y de alto contraste. ","tooltip_materialFilter\/spx":"El material plástico patentado para gafas combina una funcionalidad óptima con posibilidades de diseño ilimitadas. Elástico y estable en la forma, el SPX®+ garantiza la máxima comodidad de uso. ","tooltip_materialFilter\/hightechtitan":"Una aleación única que se caracteriza por la máxima flexibilidad, ligereza y solidez, una calidad antialérgica, y resistencia a la corrosión y a la temperatura. ","faceType":"Forma del rostro","minicart_limit_buylocal":"Como máximo se pueden añadir 3 productos a la cesta de compra.","minicart_limit_buylocal_ecom":"Como máximo se pueden añadir 3 productos Click & Collect y 3 productos de compra online a la cesta de compra.","free_delivery_text_de":"in Germany","browser_not_supported_text":"Por favor, cambie de navegador a través de la navegación de su dispositivo.","free_returns_text_at":"Within 30 days","free_returns_text_de":"Within 30 days","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_at":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Austria: <a href=\"\"><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_de":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Germany: <a href=\"\"><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","standard_delivery_at":"Standard delivery by Austrian Post","standard_delivery_de":"Standard delivery by DHL","download_entire_pr_package":"Download entire PR package","next":"Continuar","email_already_in_use":"Ya existe una cuenta de cliente para esta dirección de correo electrónico.","close":"Cerrar","personalized_coupon":"Código del bono","personalized_model_number":"El número de su modelo Silhouette","personalized_custom_text":"Personalización (línea 1)","personalized_custom_text_2":"Personalización (línea 2)","form_send_error_text_new":"Póngase en contacto con nosotros a través de nuestro <a href=\"\/contact\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\">Formulario de contacto<\/a>.","personalized_cc_invalid_code":"El código de su bono no es válido. ","personalized_cc_form_intro":"¡Enhorabuena! Usted ha finalizado la personalización de su gamuza Silhouette. Enviaremos su gamuza personalizada a la dirección que nos ha facilitado. ","personalized_cc_text":"Su personalización","personalized_cc_model_number":"El número de su modelo Silhouette","personalized_cc_model_coupon":"El código de su bono","greeting_male":"Estimado Señor","greeting-female":"Estimada Señora","greeting_female_mrs":"Dear Mrs","greeting":"Dear","your_team":"Saludos cordiales,<br> El equipo de Silhouette","personalized_cc_email_subject":"Su gamuza Silhouette personalizada","imprint_email":"Aviso Legal","newsletter":"Newsletter","blog":"Blog","website":"Website","try_on_local_products_delivery_at":"Available in 3-4 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_de":"Available in 3-4 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_gb":"Available in 6-7 working days.","pdp_delivery_info_at":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 3-4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_de":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 3-4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_gb":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 6-7 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_at":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 3-4 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_de":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 3-4 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_gb":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 6-7 working days.","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_at":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_de":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_gb":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","delivery_time_at":"Delivery in 3-5 working days","delivery_time_de":"Delivery in 3-5 working days","delivered_products_delivery_at":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_de":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","pdp_free_delivery_at":"**Free delivery**<br>within 5 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Austria.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_delivery_de":"**Free delivery**<br>within 5 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Germany.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_at":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns label can be found included in the package. If it gets lost, you can request a new one from customer services.","pdp_free_returns_de":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns label can be found included in the package. If it gets lost, you can request a new one from customer services.","pdp_secure_payment_at":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_secure_payment_de":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_at":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_de":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_contact_and_help_at":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Austria:","pdp_contact_and_help_de":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Germany:","status_failed":"Ha fallado","limited_amount_available":"Solo {0} unidades disponibles.","award":"Premio en Diseño","free_delivery_text_country_at":"by Austrian Post.","free_delivery_text_country_de":"with DHL","click_and_collect_appointment_description":"Su cita personalizada Silhouette Click & Collect","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_es":"Nuestro servicio de atención al cliente está a su disposición de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 20:00 horas y los sábados de 9:00 a 12:00 horas en la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: España: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_fr":"Customer services are available 8 am - 8 pm Monday - Friday and 9 am to 12 noon on Saturday. Get in touch using the following email address. France: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_5_es":"España: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_5_fr":"France: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","delivery_time_es":"El plazo de entrega es de 4 a 6 días laborables","delivery_time_fr":"Delivery in 3-4 working days","faq_choose_topic":"Elija un tema","faq_topics":"Temas","taxes":"Impuestos","wrong_shop_country_error":"Usted está en la tienda {0}. Para continuar, seleccione el país {0} o cambie al país que desee en la parte inferior de la página.","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_es":"Deseo transferir los productos seleccionados al óptico asociado a Click & Collect que he elegido y acepto que mis datos sean tratados con este fin en la medida establecida en la <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">Política de privacidad<\/a> de Click & Collect. Soy consciente de que mis datos serán transferidos a la filial específica del país de Silhouette y al óptico asociado a Click & Collect seleccionado, y que estas partes son conjuntamente responsables con Silhouette International del tratamiento de mis datos en el sentido del artículo 26 del RGPD. Puedo revocar este consentimiento en cualquier momento con efecto de cara al futuro.","delivered_products_delivery_es":"Entrega gratuita en 6 días laborables.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_es":"Los productos de su cesta de la compra Click & Collect se enviarán gratuitamente desde Silhouette a la óptica asociada que haya elegido y estarán disponibles en la óptica en un plazo de 4-5 días laborables.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_es":"Entrega gratuita en 6 días laborables.","free_delivery_text_country_es":"con DHL","free_returns_text_es":"En 14 días con DHL","pdp_contact_and_help_es":"**Contacto y ayuda**<br>Nuestro servicio de atención al cliente está a su disposición de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 20:00 horas y los sábados de 9:00 a 12:00 horas en la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: España:","pdp_delivery_info_es":"Entrega gratuita al óptico asociado a Click & Collect sin compromiso. Disponible in situ en 4 o 5 días laborables. Pague in situ lo que le gusta.","pdp_free_delivery_es":"**Entrega gratuita**<br>en un plazo de 6 días laborables.<br><br>Actualmente solo enviamos a España.<br>Si hubiera partes del pedido no disponibles, se le informará por separado.","pdp_free_returns_es":"**Devolución gratuita**<br>en 14 días.<br><br>La información de devolución se adjunta al paquete.","pdp_secure_payment_es":"**Pago seguro**<br>con Paypal y tarjeta de crédito.<br><br>Una vez finalizado el pedido correctamente, recibirá la confirmación del pedido en la dirección de correo electrónico indicada por usted.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_es":"**Seguridad y protección de datos**<br>En nuestra <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/data-privacy\">declaración de privacidad<\/a>, le informamos ampliamente sobre cómo procesamos sus datos y qué derechos tiene al respecto.<br><br>Nuestras <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Condiciones generales<\/a>","standard_delivery_es":"Entrega estándar con DHL.","try_on_local_products_delivery_es":"Disponible en 4 o 5 días laborables.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_es":"El óptico asociado a Click & Collect seleccionado ha sido informado de su pedido. Su pedido estará disponible para su prueba y recogida en la óptica asociada en los próximos 4 o 5 días laborables.","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_fr":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","delivered_products_delivery_fr":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_fr":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 4-5 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_fr":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","free_delivery_text_country_fr":"with DHL","free_returns_text_fr":"Within 30 days with DHL","pdp_contact_and_help_fr":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: France:","pdp_delivery_info_fr":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 4-5 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_free_delivery_fr":"**Free delivery**<br>within 5 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to France.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_fr":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_secure_payment_fr":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_fr":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","standard_delivery_fr":"Standard delivery by DHL","try_on_local_products_delivery_fr":"Available in 4-5 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_fr":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 4-5 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_es":"Devolución gratuita en 14 días. La información de devolución se adjunta al paquete. ","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_fr":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","online_exclusive":"Online Exclusive","payment_failed_overlay_headline":"Parece que hubo un problema con el pago.","payment_failed_overlay_text":"Ha ocurrido un problema durante el proceso de pago. Agrega los artículos a tu carrito de la compra y vuelve a intentarlo.","price_from_description":"Precio Venta Recomendado","enter_coupon_code":"Introduce el código de cupón","coupon_code":"Código promocional","coupon_apply":"Aplicar","coupon_remove":"Eliminar cupón","coupon_error_no_code":"Por favor, ingresa un código","coupon_error_not_valid_anymore":"Este cupón ya no es válido","coupon_error_not_a_valid_code":"Este código no se pudo utilizar. Comprueba el código e inténtalo de nuevo.","coupon":"código","coupon_error_no_product_for_coupon":"El cupón ingresado no se puede utilizar para los productos elegidos en el carrito de compra.","reading_time":"Reading time {time} minutes","password_check_too_short":"La contraseña debe tener más de 8 caracteres","password_check_unsecured":"Las contraseñas seguras incluyen letras mayúsculas, minúsculas, caracteres especiales y números.","password_check_weak":"Poca seguridad","password_check_medium":"Seguridad media","password_check_strong":"Mucha seguridad","silhouette_stories":"Silhouette Stories","stories_sum":"{{sum}} of {{total}} stories","load_more_stories":"Load more stories","related_articles":"Related Articles","my_size":"Mi Tamaño","customize_size":"Personalizar tamaño","choose_headsize":"Elige el tamaño de tu cabeza","which_size_is_best":"Para asegurar que las gafas te queden bien, haznos saber el tamaño de tu cabeza. ¿Qué talla se adapta mejor a ti?","small_size_description":"Perfecto si tienes la cabeza pequeña y usas sombreros pequeños","medium_size_description":"El tamaño más común, se adapta al 90% de las personas.","large_size_description":"Ligeramente más grande que el mediano para mayor comodidad durante un uso prolongado","xlarge_size_description":"Si sueles llevar sombreros grandes, esta es tu talla","if_you _own_glasses":"If you already own glasses, look at the inside of the temples.","specify_glass_width":"O especifica el grosor de tu lente","where_find_lens_width":"¿Dónde puedo encontrar el ancho de mi lente?","skip_selection":"Saltar selección","size_s":"Pequeña ","size_m":"Mediana","size_l":"Grande","size_xl":"XL","size_c":"Custom","agree_privacy_no_checkbox":"Al hacer clic en el botón de abajo, usted acepta los <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">Términos y Condiciones<\/a> y la <a href=\"{1}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">Política de Privacidad<\/a> de Silhouette.","accept_marketing_consent":"Sí, me gustaría que me informaran por correo electrónico, correo postal o servicio de mensajería sobre las tendencias, promociones y vales. Recibir ofertas personalizadas de productos y servicios de Silhouette. La cancelación de la suscripción es posible en cualquier momento. La información sobre el uso y la protección de mis datos está disponible <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">aquí<\/a>.","you_lens_width_is_located_on_temple":"El ancho de tu lente se encuentra en el interior de la varilla. Es el primer número justo antes del símbolo del cuadrado y por lo general oscila entre 46 y 62 mm","retailersearch_contact_optician_with_model_subject":" Message: Interested in Silhouette Model {ModelName} {SKU}","retailersearch_contact_optician_with_model_body":"Hi, I'm interested in the Silhouette Model <a href=”{LinkToCurrentPDP}”>{ModelName} {SKU}<\/a>, please contact me to see how I can try it in your store.","personal_data":"Personal data","if_you_own_glasses":"Si ya tienes gafas, mira en interior de las varillas la medida","gwp_short_description":"Este producto es un obsequio.","click_and_collect_available":"Click & Collect available","lightness":"Space","style":"Estilo","innovation":"Innovación","visionaries":"Visionarios","sustainability":"Sostenibilidad","no_timeslot_available":"No hay cita disponible","headsize_validation_message":"Please enter a size between 30 and 90 mm","gwp_remove":"Eliminar cupón","gwp_discount":"Descuento","gwp_code":"Código","gwp_gift":"Obsequio","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_it":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_it":"Customer services are available 8 am - 8 pm Monday - Friday and 9 am to 12 noon on Saturday. Get in touch using the following email address. Italy: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_it":"Free delivery within 5-6 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_it":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_it":"Available in 5-6 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_it":"Free delivery within 6 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_it":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_it":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_time_it":"Delivery in 5-6 working days","free_delivery_text_country_it":"with DHL","free_returns_text_it":"Within 30 days","pdp_contact_and_help_it":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Italy:","pdp_delivery_info_it":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 5-6 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_free_delivery_it":"**Free delivery**<br>within 6 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Italy.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_it":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_secure_payment_it":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_it":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","standard_delivery_it":"Standard delivery by DHL","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_it":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","view_failed_order":"Ver el pedido incorrecto","min_order_value_text":"You need to order a minimum of 135 GBP.","free_delivery_text_country_gb":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_gb":"Within 7 working days","free_shipping":"Free delivery","paid_returns":"Returns","pdp_free_delivery_gb":"**Free delivery**<br>within 7 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to United Kingdom.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_paid_returns_gb":"**Returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns label can be found included in the package. If it gets lost, you can request a new one from customer services.","free_delivery_text_it":"in Italy","delivered_products_delivery_gb":"Free delivery within 7 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_de":"Free delivery within 4 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_at":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_gb":"Free delivery within 7 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_de":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_at":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_gb":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_gb":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>United Kingdom: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_time_gb":"Delivery in 6-7 working days","free_returns_text_gb":"Within 30 days","pdp_contact_and_help_gb":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: United Kingdom:","pdp_secure_payment_gb":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_gb":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","standard_delivery_gb":"Standard delivery by DHL","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_de":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 3-4 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_at":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 3-4 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_gb":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 6-7 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_5_it":"Italy: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","pdp_paid_returns":"**Returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns label can be found included in the package. If it gets lost, you can request a new one from customer services.","minicart_security_1_gb":"Free delivery within ? working days","minicart_security_2_gb":"Returns within 30 working days","no_shop_in_country":"Ordering of products is currently not possible. Sign up for the newsletter to be the first to know when it happens.","country_switch_overlay_headline":"Cambiar país de entrega","country_switch_overlay_text_available":"Al cambiar de país, esta página se debe volver a cargar. Algunos productos no están disponibles en todos los países. Los bonos que se han introducido deben volverse a introducir. ¿Estás seguro de que quieres continuar?","country_switch_overlay_text_not_available":"Actualmente no se admite cambiar la entrega a este país. Sin embargo, puedes visitar el catálogo de productos de tu país elegido para ver los productos disponibles. ¿Te gustaria continuar?","switch_to_product_overview":"Sí, ir al catálogo de productos","country_switch_change":"Sí, cambiar y cargar","country_switch_cancel":"No, cancelar","minicart_coupon_cue":"Se puede aplicar un código de cupón en el siguiente paso.","payment_method_stripe-applepay":"Apple Pay","apple_pay_shopping_cart":"Cesta de compra","click_and_collect_appointment_filename":"click_and_collect_appointment_filename","design":"Design","made-in-austria":"Made in Austria","materials":"Materials","mobile_partner_details":"Detalles","not_available":"Not available","q":"q","space":"Space","stories_artist":"stories_artist","stories_interviewer":"stories_interviewer","technology":"technology","check_faq_for_help":"busque ayuda en las preguntas frecuentes","checkout_accept_marketing_consent":"Sí, me gustaría que me informaran por correo electrónico, correo postal o servicio de mensajería sobre las tendencias, promociones y vales. Recibir ofertas personalizadas de productos y servicios de Silhouette. La cancelación de la suscripción es posible en cualquier momento. La información sobre el uso y la protección de mis datos está disponible <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">aquí<\/a>.","checkout_register_headline":"Crear una cuenta de usuario","contact_us_at":"Póngase en contacto con nosotros por correo electrónico","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_es":"Pago seguro con Paypal y tarjeta de crédito.<br>Una vez finalizado el pedido correctamente, recibirá la confirmación del pedido en la dirección de correo electrónico indicada por usted.","visit the website":"visit the website","want_to_visit the website":"want_to_visit the website","Try_on_my_account_headline":" Try_on_my_account_headline","card_number_invalid_short_us":"card_number_invalid_short_us","delivered_products_delivery_us":"Free delivery within 7 business days.","delivery_time_us":"Delivery in 7 business days","free_delivery_text_country_us":"with UPS","free_delivery_text_us":"in USA","free_returns_text_us":"Within 30 days","payment_method_ingenico-creditcard_us":"Credit card (3D-Secure)","payment_method_paypal_express_us":"PayPal","pdp_contact_and_help_us":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8:30 am - 6 pm Monday – Friday via the following email address: US:","pdp_free_delivery_us":"**Free delivery**<br>within 7 business days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to US.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_us":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_secure_payment_us":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, Apple Pay, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_us":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","select_state":"State","standard_delivery_us":"Standard delivery by UPS","tax_calculated_in_checkout":"tax_calculated_in_checkout","contact_optician":"Contact optician","apple_pay_pay":"Pay now","apple_pay_cancel_payment":"Cancel Payment","apple_pay_overlay_headline":"Pay order","apple_pay_overlay_subheadline":"Please pay now for your order","payment_method_stripe:us-applepay":"Apple Pay","free_delivery_text_country_dk":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_country_no":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_country_be":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_country_nl":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_country_fi":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_country_se":"with DHL","standard_delivery_dk":"Standard delivery by DHL","standard_delivery_se":"Standard delivery by DHL","standard_delivery_fi":"Standard delivery by DHL","standard_delivery_be":"Standard delivery by DHL","standard_delivery_nl":"Standard delivery by DHL","book_buylocal":"Book and try on at optician","book_without_glasses":"Book without glasses","no_recommendation_selected":"No recommendation selected.","selected":"selected","try_on_local_products_delivery_us":"Available in 5-7 business days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_fi":"Available in 8-9 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_se":"Available in 5-6 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_dk":"Available in 5-6 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_nl":"Available in 4-5 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_be":"Available in 4-5 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_us":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-7 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_fi":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 8-9 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_se":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_dk":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_nl":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_be":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 4-5 working days.","newsletter_registration_success_headline":"¡Bienvenidos a Silhouette!","accept_marketing_consent_short":"Yes, I would like to subscribe to the Silhouette newsletter and receive news about trends, promotions & vouchers as well as personalised offers from Silhouette by email, post or messenger service. You can unsubscribe at any time. Information on data protection and use can be found <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">here<\/a>.","select_your_styledate":"Select silhouette eyewear consultation","order_options":"Order options","click_and_collect_legend":"Click and Collect - order & try on at your optician","map_marker_legend":"Contact opticians without Click & Collect per email","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_dk":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_se":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_fi":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 8-9 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_be":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 4-5 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_nl":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 4-5 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_dk":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_se":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_fi":"Free delivery within 6 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_be":"Free delivery within 4 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_nl":"Free delivery within 4 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_dk":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_dk":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_dk":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_dk":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Denmark: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_se":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_se":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_se":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_se":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Sweden: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_fi":"Free delivery within 6 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_fi":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_fi":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_fi":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Finland: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_be":"Free delivery within 4 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_be":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_be":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_be":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Belgium: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_nl":"Free delivery within 4 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_nl":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_nl":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_nl":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Netherlands: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_time_dk":"Delivery in 5 working days","delivery_time_se":"Delivery in 5 working days","delivery_time_fi":"Delivery in 6 working days","delivery_time_be":"Delivery in 4 working days","delivery_time_nl":"Delivery in 4 working days","free_returns_text_dk":"Within 30 days","free_returns_text_se":"Within 30 days","free_returns_text_fi":"Within 30 days","free_returns_text_be":"Within 30 days with DHL","free_returns_text_nl":"Within 30 days","pdp_contact_and_help_dk":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Denmark:","pdp_contact_and_help_se":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Sweden:","pdp_contact_and_help_fi":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Finland:","pdp_contact_and_help_be":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Belgium:","pdp_contact_and_help_nl":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Netherlands:","pdp_delivery_info_dk":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 5 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_se":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 5 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_fi":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 6 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_be":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_nl":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_free_delivery_dk":"**Free delivery**<br>within 5 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Denmark.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_delivery_se":"**Free delivery**<br>within 5 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Sweden.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_delivery_fi":"**Free delivery**<br>within 6 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Finland.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_delivery_be":"**Free delivery**<br>within 4 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Belgium.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_delivery_nl":"**Free delivery**<br>within 4 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Netherlands.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_dk":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_free_returns_se":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_free_returns_fi":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_free_returns_be":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_free_returns_nl":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_secure_payment_dk":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_secure_payment_se":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_secure_payment_fi":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_secure_payment_be":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_secure_payment_nl":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_dk":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_se":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_fi":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_be":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_nl":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","newsletter_registration_success_text":"Te enviaremos un correo electrónico en breve. Por favor, confirma tu registro.","newsletter_registration_success":"Thank you for your registration.","checkout_error_min_order_value":"Lamentablemente, este pedido está por debajo del valor mínimo.","payment_method_stripe:br-creditcard-applepay":"Kreditkarte","payment_method_stripe:br-applepay":"Apple Pay","checkout_buy_local_rimless_info":"It may be possible that the order is delivered with a different shape of the glasses. ","back_to_previous":"Volver","standard_delivery_no":"Standard delivery by DHL","try_on_local_products_delivery_no":"Available in 5-6 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_no":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_no":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","shop_at_tmall":"Shop at Tmall","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_br":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","delivered_products_delivery_br":"Free delivery within 7 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_br":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 3-4 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_br":"Free delivery within 7 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_br":"Free returns within 7 working days. The returns label can be found inside the package. If it is missing, you can request a new one from customer services.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_br":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_br":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Brasil: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_5_br":"Brasil: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>"," delivery_time_br":"Delivery in 6 working days","free_delivery_text_br":"in Brasil","free_delivery_text_country_br":"with DHL","free_returns_text_br":"Within 7 days","pdp_contact_and_help_br":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Brasil:","pdp_delivery_info_br":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 3-4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_free_delivery_br":"**Free delivery**<br>within 7 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Austria.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_br":"**Free returns**<br>within 7 working days.<br><br>The returns label can be found included in the package. If it gets lost, you can request a new one from customer services.","pdp_secure_payment_br":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_br":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","standard_delivery_br":"Standard delivery by DHL","try_on_local_products_delivery_br":"Available in 3-4 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_br":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 3-4 working days.","cannot_find_retailer_on_map":"I can't find my retailer on the map.","save_selected_retailer":"Save selection","next_slide":"next slide","previous_slide":"previous slide","no_retailer_selected":"No Retailer selected.","silhouette_availability_other_country":" está disponible en {0}. ","change_to_other_country":"Cambia la página para poder comprar con tu dirección.","choose_country":"Seleccionar país","shop_now":"Comprar ahora","no_delivery_country":" no realiza actualmente envíos a tu país. ","what_to_do":"¿Qué te gustaría hacer?","stay_on_silhouette":"Seguir en {0}","international":"International","split_explore_blocks_custom_button_label":"Custom Label","buy_merchandise_in_onlineshop":"Compra accesorios de Silhouette online","merchandise_from_silhouette":"Accesorios de Silhouette","slide_compare_no_animations_button":"View all models","cpf":"CPF","payment_method_paypal_express_br":"PayPal","copy_to_clipboard":"Copiar plantilla al portapapeles","copy_success":"Plantilla copiada","search_retailer":"Introduzca aquí el nombre de su distribuidor","select_retailer":"Selección de minoristas","select_retailer_cta":"Seleccionar distribuidor","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_ch":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_ch":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_ch":"Available in 5-6 working days.","delivery_time_ch":"Delivery in 5-6 working days","pdp_delivery_info_ch":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 5-6 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","choose_your_delivery_type":"Selecciona tu método de entrega","back_to_shop":"Volver a la tienda","cancel_overlay_headline":"¿Seguro que quieres cerrar la superposición?","cancel_overlay_text":"Tu selección no se guardará.","cancel_overlay_cancel":"Volver al producto","cancel_overlay_continue":"Continuar con la selección","add_to_cart_notification":"Este producto se ha añadido a tu cesta de la compra","order_button":"Pedir este producto","product_price":"PVP","skip_for_now":"omitir","select_appointment":"Selecciona la fecha y hora deseadas","click_collect_products_in_cart":"Productos Click & Collect en tu cesta de la compra","remove_click_collect_products_in_cart":"Tu cesta de la compra contiene actualmente productos que se entregarán en tu óptica. Por favor, completa primero el proceso de pedido.","appointment_step":"Cita","confirmation":"Confirmación","payment":"Pago","guest_checkout":"Pago como invitado","guest_checkout_info":"Puedes crear una cuenta al final.","checkout_account":"Pago con tu cuenta","continue_with_login":"Continuar con el inicio de sesión","continue_to_payment":"Continuar con el pago","back_to_delivery":"Volver a entrega","retailer":"Distribuidor","invalid_code":"El código de su bono no es válido","to_shopping_cart":"A la cesta de la compra","save_your_order":"Guardar tu pedido","complete_registration":"Para ver tu pedido, completa el registro con tu correo electrónico.","overview_orders":"Resumen de este pedido y de los anteriores","processing_orders":"Procesamiento rápido de pedidos futuros","manage_user_data":"Gestionar datos de usuario","create_new_account_after_checkout":"Crear una cuenta","return_to_home":"Volver a la página de inicio","your_selection":"Tu selección","ecom_products_in_cart":"Productos en el carrito de compras en línea","remove_ecom_products_in_cart":"Su carrito de compras actualmente contiene productos que serán entregados en su dirección. Por favor, complete primero su proceso de pedido en línea.","acuity_check_floater":"Test your Vision","acuity_check_floater_button":"Try free Vision Checker","retailer_selection_acuity_check":"Select a partner optician for vision checker","acuity_check_appointment":"Select appointment for your test","choose_your_appointment_acuity_check":"Please choose your preferred appointment time and date at your optician. ","acuity_check_recommendations":"Explore our Silhouette Highlights","acuity_check_recommendations_description":"Optionally choose up to 3 favourites and try them at your optician.","acuity_check_order_placed_successfully":"You have successfully booked your appointment","we_sent_confirm_email_acuity_check_order":"Thank you for your trust. We have sent you a confirmation email per e-mail. ","acuity_check_appointment_placed_successfully":"You have successfully booked your appointment","we_sent_confirm_email_acuity_check_appointment":"Thank you for your trust. We have sent you a confirmation email per e-mail. ","your_acuity_check":"Your Vision Check","acuity_check_appointment_title":"Silhouette Vision Checker","acuity_check_appointment_description":"Your personal Silhouette Vision Checker appointment","stories_current":"Historias actuales","stories_archived":"Historias archivadas","minicart_limit_chf":"The shopping cart must not exceed a total limit of 950 CHF.","optician_unavailable_error":"El óptico seleccionado no está disponible para citas en línea. Puede elegir otro socio o concertar una cita directamente con su óptico.","book_appointment":"Reservar cita","your_appointment":"Su cita","max_length_2000":"Debe tener menos de 2000 caracteres","related_stories":"Related Stories","payment_method_invoice":"Factura","arrange_appointment_appointment":"Seleccione cita","archived":"Archivado","accept_marketing_consent_us":"I will be informed about trends, promotions and vouchers by email, post or messaging service, and will receive personalised product and service offers from Silhouette.","face_shape_recommendation":"Recomendaciones basadas en la forma de tu rostro","face_shape_not_detected":"Forma del rostro no reconocida. Asegúrate de que tu rostro sea visible para la cámara e inténtalo nuevamente.","try_again":"Inténtalo de nuevo","snapshot":"Snapshot","download":"Download","silhouette_logo":"Silhouette Logo","go_to_post":"Go to Social Media Post","mail_to_support":"Mail to Support","faq_delivery":"Go to FAQ Free Delivery ","faq_free_returns":"Go to FAQ Free Returns","faq_secure_payment":"Go to FAQ Secure Payment","faq_privacy":"Go to FAQ Privacy","scroll_top":"Scroll to Top","send_via_email":"enviar por e-mail","send_vto_snapshot_success_headline":"Enviado con éxito","send_vto_snapshot_success_text":"Gracias, en breve recibirá un correo electrónico nuestro.","payment_method_stripe:br-creditcard":"Kreditkarte","discover":"discover","read_story":"Read the story","atelier_eyewear_from_silhouette":"Silhouette Atelier Next","installment_payment_boleto_available":"Installment payment with Boleto available","categoryId":"Category"}