Silhouette 하우스의 프레임과 렌즈의 완벽한 조화. 안경 렌즈가 프레임을 위해 맞춤 제작된 경우에만, 최적의 시야 경험이 가능합니다. Silhouette Vision Sensation®의 안경은 많은 수작업을 필요로 하는 높은 정밀도로 완성됩니다. 100% 오스트리아 제조.
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MomentumRose Gold Desert
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수 없게 됩니다.","no_thanks":"계정 삭제하지 않기","yes_remove_permanent":"네, 계정을 영구적으로 삭제합니다","coupon_discount":"쿠폰 할인","apply":"교환하기","revoke_order":"주문 취소","password_min":"비밀번호(최소 6자리)","view_order":"주문 보기","order_number_short":"주문 번호","filter_products":"제품 필터하기","revoke_email_body":"주문번호 {order_number}에 대한 주문을 취소하고 싶습니다.","revoke_email_subject":"주문 취소","logged_in_as":"다음으로 등록됨:","enter_coupon":"여기에 코드를 입력하십시오","payment_method_paypal_express":"PayPal","go_to_shop":"샵으로","productinformation":"제품 정보","minicart_limit":"장바구니에는 최대 3개의 제품과 6개의 액세서리를 추가할 수 있습니다.","add_to_wishlist":"관심 품목에 추가","remove_from_wishlist":"관심 품목에서 삭제","continue_as_guest":"게스트로 계속하기","frequently_tested_and_awarded":"자주 테스트 & 인기","payment_method_ingenico-creditcard":"신용 카드","payment_method_ingenico-direct-ebanking":"계좌 이체","name":"이름","cardnumber":"카드 번호","expiration":"유효 기간(MM\/YY)","cvc":"확인 번호","card_number_invalid":"현재 저희는 결제 가능한 신용 카드로 비자 및 마스터카드를 지원합니다. 유효한 카드 번호를 입력해 주십시오.","card_holder_invalid":"카드 소유자를 입력해 주십시오(특수문자 제외).","card_expiration_invalid":"입력된 날짜가 유효하지 않습니다.","card_cvc_invalid":"입력된 확인 번호가 유효하지 않습니다.","please_check_creditcard":"신용 카드 정보를 확인해 주십시오.","explore_more":"더 알아보기","unisex":"유니섹스","free_shipping_and_returns":"무료 배송 및 반품","delivery_time":"배송 기간 2-5일","sun_overview_headline":"Silhouette 선글라스","sun_overview_subheadline":"검증된 가벼움, 높은 착용감 및 완벽한 자외선 차단","sun_overview_intro_text":"독특한 색상과 혁신적인 기술, 최고 수준의 디자인은 시대를 초월한 시크하며 완벽한 자외선 차단을 제공합니다.","eyewear_overview_headline":"Silhouette 광학","eyewear_overview_subheadline":"검증된 가벼움, 높은 착용감 및 완벽한 자외선 차단","eyewear_overview_intro_text":"독특한 색상과 혁신적인 기술, 최고 수준의 디자인은 시대를 초월한 시크하며 완벽한 자외선 차단을 제공합니다.","logout":"로그아웃","shop_this_product":"제품 구매","contact_retailer":"판매점 연락하기","new_arrivals":"신상품","price_high_low":"높은 가격순","price_low_high":"낮은 가격순","highest_rated_bestseller":"하일라이트","frame":"프레임 색상","load_more_products":"더 많은 아이템 로드","sbGender":"성별","sbRimType":"프레임 유형","sbTechnology":"기술","frameColorGroup":"프레임 색상","lensColorGroup":"렌즈 색상","pdp_free_delivery":"**무료 배송**<br>영업일 5일 이내.<br><br>저희는 현재 오스트리아 내에서만 배송합니다.<br>주문 중, 일부를 배송할 수 없는 경우 별도로 연락드립니다.","pdp_free_returns":"**무료 반품**<br>30일 이내.<br><br>반품 라벨은 패키지와 함께 제공되며, 잃어버리신 경우 고객 서비스에 다시 요청하실 수 있습니다.","pdp_secure_payment":"**보안 결제**<br>Paypal, 신용 카드 및 계좌 이체.<br><br>주문이 성공적으로 완료된 이후, 귀하가 입력하신 이메일 주소로 주문 확인서를 받아보실 수 있습니다.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy":"**보안 및 개인 정보 보호**<br>저희의 <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">개인 정보 보호 정책<\/a>은 저희가 귀하의 개인 정보를 처리하는 범위와 이와 관련한 귀하의 권리에 대한 정보가 포함되어 있습니다.<br><br>저희의 <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">일반 상거래 규정<\/a>","pdp_contact_and_help":"**연락 및 도움**<br>저희의 고객 서비스는 월-금 08:00-20:00시, 그리고 토요일 09:00-12:00시까지 이용하실 수 있으며, 다음 이메일 주소로 연락하실 수 있습니다: 오스트리아:","sorted_by":"정렬 기준","apply_filter":"필터 적용","size":"크기","glass_width":"렌즈 너비","bridge":"브릿지","temple_length":"템플 길이","size_information":"크기 정보","minicart_security_1":"Free delivery within 5 working days","minicart_security_2":"Free returns within 30 working days","minicart_security_3":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card","what_do_these_sizes_mean":"아래 숫자들의 의미 ","opt_in_message":"Please activate your account. We have sent an email with a confirmation link to your email address. Please click on the link to activate your account.","opt_in_success_message":"Thank you for registering for the Silhouette user account. You are now successfully registered. Log in below.","zip_code_invalid":"Please enter a valid postcode.","back_to_atelier_collection":"Back to Atelier Collection","materialFilter":"소재","result":"Result","load_more_products_count":"{visible_results} 중 {total_results} 품목","retailer_nearby":"근처 공식 매장","show_map":"지도 보기","agree_zbk_text":"I hereby accept that by creating a user account, my personal data (specifically gender, first name and surname, email address, delivery and billing address) will be processed to make repeat ordering easier. This consent can be withdrawn at any time. To withdraw consent, the customer may unilaterally delete their user account themselves. This does not affect the legality of any data processing that has taken place up to that point. Once a user account has been successfully deleted by the customer, we will delete all data that we have processed for that customer. Deletion of the account by the customer is equivalent to a withdrawal of consent as defined by Art. 7, paragraph 3 of the GDPR.","show_more":"더 보기","accept":"accept","agree_zbk_link_text":"Please read and accept the entire legal notice","status_payment_refunded":"결재 금액 환불","nfc_email_headline":"Excellent choice","nfc_email_subline":"Your personalised configuration of TMA - The Icon:","nfc_email_text_retailer":"Ask your eye care professional about this configuration in your prescription","nfc_email_text_shades":"Style Shades, the clip-on sunglasses: Turn your rimless Silhouette eyewear into a modern, stylish pair of sunglasses by simply clipping on the Style Shades.","nfc_email_button_shades":"Style Shades","nfc_email_button_retailer":"Retailer search","contact_us":"문의하기","follow_us":"우리를 따르십시오!","show_less":"덜 보기","nfc_email_subject":"Your personalised TMA - The Icon","nfc_email_text_teaser":"Experience the lightness and comfort of our iconic design, worn and loved by millions around the world for two decades.","blog_category_faces-of-silhouette":"Faces Of Silhouette","blog_category_my-silhouette":"My Silhouette","blog_category_design-style":"Design + Style","blog_category_insights":"Insights","select_color_combination":"색상 선택","select_shape_combination":"렌즈 쉐이프 선택","id":"아이템 번호","your_current_choice":"선택 내용","checkout_register_signup":"상기 내용에 대해 사용자 계정을 생성합니다. 사용한 이메일 주소: {email}","order_confirmation_register_signup":"Create a user account","thank_you_registration":"등록해주셔서 감사합니다!","activate_account_info":"구매 후 계정을 활성화하십시오. ","finish_registration":"등록을 완료하십시오","order_confirmation_register_headline":"Create a user account","order_confirmation_register_text":"To view your order status please complete your registration with the email address {email}.","company":"회사","nfc_go_to":"Go to","nfc_explore_style_shades":"Discover Style Shades online","nfc_done_image_subline":"Ask your eye care professional about Style Shades","nfc_done_image_headline":"Style Shades, the clip-on sunglasses","nfc_find_other_combinations":"Find another configuration","nfc_configuration_no":"Configuration No.","nfc_with_details_to_your_personal":"with the details for your personalised","nfc_we_sent_an_email_to":"An e-mail has been sent to:","nfc_done":"Done","nfc_ask_your_retailer":"Ask your eye care professional for your custom-made Silhouette","nfc_please_enter_email":"Send configuration by e-mail to:","nfc_you_chose":"Your personal configuration:","nfc_choice_headline":"Excellent","nfc_share_retailer":"Share with your eye care professional","nfc_send_email":"Send by e-mail","nfc_start_button_text":"CUSTOMISE","nfc_start_headline":"Create your own personal look with","nfc_email_subject_without_product":"Your personalised {collectionname}","nfc_email_subline_without_product":"Your personalised configuration of","nfc_choose_your_lens_shape":"Choose your lens shape","nfc_choose_your_frame_colour":"Choose your frame colour","no_retailers_found_zoom_out":"아쉽게도 이 주변에는 결과물이 없습니다. 가장 가까운 결과물들을 볼 수 있도록 확대하시기 바랍니다. ","product_not_available":"이 제품을 더 이상 사용할 수 없습니다. ","product_not_available_overlay_explanation":"장바구니에 담긴 다음 제품은 더 이상 사용할 수 없습니다. 주문을 계속하실 수 있도록 해당 제품을 장바구니에서 삭제했습니다. ","atlas_maintenance":"<strong>We're undergoing a bit of scheduled maintenance.<\/strong><br>Sorry for the inconvenience. We'll be back up and running as fast as possible.","make_an_appointment":"Make an appointment","select_accentring_color":"악센트 링 색상 선택","accentring_color":"악센트 링 색상 ","select_frame_color":"안경테 색상 선택","shipping_footer_contact_us_link1":"Contact us","shipping_footer_contact_us_text":"via email or get help in the","shipping_footer_contact_us_link2":"FAQs","excl_prescription_lenses":"excl_prescription_lenses","price_from":"price_from","click_and_collect":"click_and_collect","click_and_collect_basket":"click_and_collect_basket","try_on_available":"Available for Try On","cleaning-cloth-text":"실루엣 저널 구독을 통해 위에 안티 포그 렌즈 클리너를 증정 받으십시오. 재고 소진까지 유효합니다.","buy_now":"Purchase now","learn_more":"Learn more","pdp_delivery_info":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 3-4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","choose_retailer_info":"Near you and save for later.","delivered_products":"Online purchase","try_on_local_products":"Click & Collect","try_on_local_products_delivery":"Available in 3-4 working days.","delivered_products_delivery":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","try_on_local_payment":"Only pay for chosen item(s), directly at the optician.","order_summary":"Order summary","delivery":"Delivery","free":"Free","try_on_floater":"온라인 착용","try_on_floater_button":"가상 착용 시작","try_on_start_button":"가상 착용 시작","try_on_optic":"광학 안경","try_on_sun":"선글라스","try_on_remove_video":"가상 착용 삭제","try_on_retake_video":"새로운 가상 착용 녹화","try_on_start_button_pop":"가상 착용 시작","try_on_my_account_not_available":"가상 착용을 아직 생성하지 않으셨습니다. 지금 개인적인 가상 착용을 시도해보시고 온라인에서 Silhouette의 다양한 안경을 착용해보세요. ","try_on_delete_successful":"착용 기록이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다","try_on_download_frontal_image":"이미지 다운로드","more_options":"옵션 더보기","try_on_pdp":"가상 착용","delivery_overlay_headline":"Ordering info","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1":"Free delivery within 5 working days.<br>We currently only deliver within Austria.","delivery_overlay_ecom":"Purchase online","appointment":"Select appointment","benefits_of_a_user_account":"Benefits of a Silhouette user account","benefits_of_a_user_account_bullet_1":"You can see the status of current and past orders.","benefits_of_a_user_account_bullet_2":"It makes it easy to manage your data, such as your billing and delivery address.","benefits_of_a_user_account_bullet_3":"You can save your Virtual Try-On for up to 1 year.","checkout_buy_online":"Buy online and deliver to my address","checkout_buy_online_alternative":"Buy online and deliver to an alternative address","checkout_deliver_to_retailer":"Deliver to my retailer partner","choose_your_appointment":"Please choose your preferred appointment time and date at your Click & Collect partner.","continue_exploring":"Continue exploring our products","continue":"Continue","customer_data":"Customer data","details":"Details","fill_from_shipping_address":"Fill from delivery address","imprint":"Legal notice","not_specified":"Prefer not to say","opening_hours":"Opening hours","register_why_we_need_phone":"The Click & Collect Partner can reach you in case of questions. ","retailer_selection":"Select a partner optician","retailer_selection_description":"Use the retailer search or select a Click & Collect partner optician near you.","searching_for":"Searching for …","select_your_timeslot":"Select the desired time slot. ","timeslot":"Time slot","try_on_at_optician":"Try on at your optician","try_on_error_headline":"안타깝게도 오류가 발생했습니다","try_on_error_text":"다시 시도하십시오","try_on_my_account_headline":"Virtual Try-On","try_on_view":"View Virtual Try-On","view_product":"View product","try_on_agree_privacy":"본인은 언급된 조건에 명시적으로 동의합니다.","try_on_terms_and_conditions":"가상 착용","delivery_overlay_buy_local":"Try on at a Click & Collect partner optician.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns label can be found inside the package. If it is missing, you can request a new one from customer services.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Austria: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_1":"Select a Click & Collect partner optician near you.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_2":"Arrange an appointment to try on the glasses at your Click & Collect partner optician. During your consultation, you will have the chance to discuss customisation and prescription glazing options.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 3-4 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_4":"The actual price varies from one Click & Collect partner to another. The price excludes prescription glazing. Only pay for the items you like directly at the optician.","retailer_overlay_headline":"Click & Collect partner optician near you","retailer_overlay_subline":"Use the retailer search or select a Click & Collect partner optician near you.","opening_hours_not_available":"Opening hours not available.","closed":"Closed","save_my_favourite_retailer":"Save retailer","change_to_buy_local":"Try on at a Click & Collect partner optician","change_to_delivered":"Buy online and have it delivered","checkout_identify_headline":"Login","checkout_buy_local_assistance":"Do you need any help?","appointment_choice":"Your requested appointment date:","checkout_chosen_retailer":"Your selected Click & Collect partner:","checkout_pickup_anytime":"Collect any time whilst your chosen Click & Collect partner is open","checkout_reserve_appointment":"Arrange appointment to try on glasses at your chosen Click & Collect partner","checkout_choose_payment_method":"Please select your preferred payment method:","card_holder_name":"Cardholder","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","checkout_accept_terms_ecom":"I have read, understood and consent to the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>, including specific instructions regarding the <a href=\"{1}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">right to cancel<\/a>. I have read and understood the <a href=\"{2}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a>.","checkout_order_ecom":"Confirm order and make payment now","checkout_order_buy_local":"Confirm order","checkout_order_mixed":"Complete online purchase with obligation to pay and Click & Collect order","checkout_empty_cart_headline":"Confirm delete","checkout_empty_cart_subline_1":"Are you sure you want to empty your shopping basket?","checkout_empty_cart_subline_2":"You will leave your shopping basket and be redirected to your order summary.","checkout_empty_cart_confirm":"Yes, remove product","checkout_empty_cart_cancel":"No, do not remove product","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local":"Your chosen Click & Collect partner optician has received your appointment booking request and will confirm within 24 hours (on working days). You will receive a confirmation by email. If the optician is unable to confirm your chosen appointment, they will get in touch to offer an alternative date.","your_order":"Your online purchase","order_date":"Order date","your_order_overview":"Order summary","payment_at_retailer_possible":"Only pay for the items you like when you visit the Click & Collect partner.","save_to_my_calendar":"Save to calendar","retailer_to_confirm_appointment":"Your chosen Click & Collect partner will confirm the date you have requested within the next 24 hours (on working days) or suggest an alternative date. You will be informed via email.","standard_delivery":"Standard delivery by Austrian Post","ecp_confirmation_page_headline":"Thank you! You have confirmed the Click & Collect appointment request.","ecp_confirmation_page_subline":"The customer will now have received an appointment confirmation as well. If you would like to rearrange the scheduled appointment, please contact the customer directly to arrange an alternative date.","choose_retailer_info_link":"Select a Click & Collect partner optician","card_number_invalid_short":"We currently accept only Visa and Mastercard payments.","cancel":"취소","qty":"Quantity","checkout_empty_cart_btn_sun":"Discover sunglasses","checkout_empty_cart_btn_optic":"Discover Optical Eyewear","available_at_appointment_date":"available at your appointment date","article_number":"Article number","order":"Order","shipping_method_austria_shipping":"shipping_method austria shipping","your_buy_local_order":"Your Click & Collect Order","checkout_error_invalid_appointment":"Please select a valid appointment.","agree_dsgvo_buylocal_only":"I consent to the <a href=\"#\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a>.","agree_zbk_text_buylocal_only":"I hereby accept that by creating a user account, my personal data (specifically gender, first name and surname, email address) will be processed to make repeat ordering easier. This consent can be withdrawn at any time. To withdraw consent, the customer may unilaterally delete their user account themselves. This does not affect the legality of any data processing that has taken place up to that point. Once a user account has been successfully deleted by the customer, we will delete all data that we have processed for that customer. Deletion of the account by the customer is equivalent to a withdrawal of consent as defined by Art. 7, paragraph 3 of the GDPR.","no_delete_confirmation":"No, cancel","yes_delete_confirmation":"Yes, remove the product","delete_confirmation_message":"Are you sure you want to remove the last product from your shopping basket?<br> This will close the checkout process and direct you to the product overview page","delete_confirmation_headline":"Delete confirmation","read_less":"Read less","allow_geolocation_for_retailers":"Please activate location access in your browser so Click & Collect partners in your area can be displayed.","order_ecom_failed_headline":"Unfortunately there was a problem with your payment.","order_ecom_failed_text":"Please place your order again and complete the payment.","order_buy_local_failed_headline":"Unfortunately, your Click & Collect order was not submitted. ","order_buy_local_failed_text":"Please try again. If the error occurs again, please contact us stating your order number: {orderNumber}.","retry":"Retry","order_mixed_failed_headline":"Your Click & Collect order was successful, but there was a problem with your payment for your online purchase","order_mixed_failed_text":"The Click & Collect order will be delivered to your chosen partner optician. Since the online purchase was not successfully completed, we ask you to create a new order with your desired online purchase items.","order_buy_local_failed_contact_email_body":"Dear Silhouette Team, <br> unfortunately there was an error with my Click & Collect order {orderNumber}. <br> Please get in touch with me about the further course of the order.","click_and_collect_appointment_title":"Silhouette Click & Collect","appointment_selection_description":"Delivery of your Click & Collect order to","pick_up_with_appointment":"Make an appointment at your selected Click & Collect partner","pick_up_anytime":"Pick up anytime during the Click & Collect partner's opening hours","pickup_anytime_selected":"Pick up your order any time during the Click & Collect partner’s opening hours","checkout_3d_secure_info":"The transaction is carried out automatically by the credit card provider using two-factor authentication (3D secure), without which the payment is not possible. The card is debited after the order is completed.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 3-4 working days.","browser_not_supported_info":"The Virtual Try-On tool isn’t supported by your current browser.","change_browser_buttontext":"Change","cancel_change_browser_buttontext":"Stay","tooltip_sbTechnology\/slm":"최적의 눈부심 방지와 함께 편안한 밝기 효과, 우수한 컨트라스트 및 선명한 색상을 선사합니다. ","tooltip_sbTechnology\/pol":"불쾌한 반사 없이 선명한 시야, 높은 컨트라스트의 부담 없는 시각을 제공합니다. ","tooltip_materialFilter\/spx":"특허 받은 안경용 플라스틱은 최적의 기능과 무한한 디자인 옵션을 결합합니다. 탄력적이지만 튼튼한 형태의 SPX®+는 최고의 착용감을 제공합니다. ","tooltip_materialFilter\/hightechtitan":"최고의 유연성, 가벼움 및 내구성을 특징으로 하는 유일무이한 합금, 항알레르기성, 부식 및 온도 저항성. ","faceType":"얼굴 형","minicart_limit_buylocal":"A total of 3 products can be added to the shopping cart.","minicart_limit_buylocal_ecom":"A total of 3 Click & Collect and 3 online purchased products can be added to the shopping cart.","free_delivery_text_de":"in Germany","browser_not_supported_text":"Please switch to a different browser using the navigation of your device.","free_returns_text_at":"Within 30 days","free_returns_text_de":"Within 30 days","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_at":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Austria: <a href=\"\"><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_de":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Germany: <a href=\"\"><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","standard_delivery_at":"Standard delivery by Austrian Post","standard_delivery_de":"Standard delivery by DHL","download_entire_pr_package":"Download entire PR package","next":"다음","email_already_in_use":"There is already a user account associated with this email address.","close":"닫기","personalized_coupon":"Voucher code","personalized_model_number":"Your Silhouette model number","personalized_custom_text":"Custom text (line 1)","personalized_custom_text_2":"Custom text (line 2)","form_send_error_text_new":"Please get in touch via our <a href=\"\/contact\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\">contact form<\/a>.","personalized_cc_invalid_code":"Your voucher code is invalid. ","personalized_cc_form_intro":"Congratulations! You have finished customising your Silhouette cleaning cloth. We will send your personalised cloth to your address below.","personalized_cc_text":"Your custom text","personalized_cc_model_number":"Your Silhouette model number","personalized_cc_model_coupon":"Your voucher code","greeting_male":"Dear Mr","greeting-female":"Dear Ms","greeting_female_mrs":"Dear Mrs","greeting":"Dear","your_team":"Best wishes,<br>Your Silhouette team","personalized_cc_email_subject":"Your personalised Silhouette Cleaning Cloth","imprint_email":"법적 고지","newsletter":"뉴스 레터","blog":"블로그","website":"웹사이트","try_on_local_products_delivery_at":"Available in 3-4 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_de":"Available in 3-4 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_gb":"Available in 6-7 working days.","pdp_delivery_info_at":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 3-4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_de":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 3-4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_gb":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 6-7 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_at":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 3-4 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_de":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 3-4 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_gb":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 6-7 working days.","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_at":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_de":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_gb":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","delivery_time_at":"Delivery in 3-5 working days","delivery_time_de":"Delivery in 3-5 working days","delivered_products_delivery_at":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_de":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","pdp_free_delivery_at":"**Free delivery**<br>within 5 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Austria.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_delivery_de":"**Free delivery**<br>within 5 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Germany.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_at":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns label can be found included in the package. If it gets lost, you can request a new one from customer services.","pdp_free_returns_de":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns label can be found included in the package. If it gets lost, you can request a new one from customer services.","pdp_secure_payment_at":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_secure_payment_de":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_at":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_de":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_contact_and_help_at":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Austria:","pdp_contact_and_help_de":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Germany:","status_failed":"Failed","limited_amount_available":"Only {0} pieces on stock. ","award":"award","free_delivery_text_country_at":"by Austrian Post.","free_delivery_text_country_de":"with DHL","click_and_collect_appointment_description":"Your personal Silhouette Click & Collect appointment","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_es":"Customer services are available 8 am - 8 pm Monday - Friday and 9 am to 12 noon on Saturday. Get in touch using the following email address. Spain: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_fr":"Customer services are available 8 am - 8 pm Monday - Friday and 9 am to 12 noon on Saturday. Get in touch using the following email address. France: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_5_es":"Spain: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_5_fr":"France: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","delivery_time_es":"Delivery in 4-6 working days","delivery_time_fr":"Delivery in 3-4 working days","faq_choose_topic":"Choose topic","faq_topics":"과목","taxes":"Taxes","wrong_shop_country_error":"You are in the {0} store. To continue, please select the country {0} or switch to your chosen country at the bottom of the page.","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_es":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","delivered_products_delivery_es":"Free delivery within 6 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_es":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 4-5 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_es":"Free delivery within 6 working days.","free_delivery_text_country_es":"with DHL","free_returns_text_es":"Within 14 days with DHL","pdp_contact_and_help_es":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Spain:","pdp_delivery_info_es":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 4-5 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_free_delivery_es":"**Free delivery**<br>within 6 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Spain.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_es":"**Free returns**<br>within 14 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_secure_payment_es":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_es":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","standard_delivery_es":"Standard delivery by DHL","try_on_local_products_delivery_es":"Available in 4-5 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_es":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 4-5 working days.","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_fr":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","delivered_products_delivery_fr":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_fr":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 4-5 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_fr":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","free_delivery_text_country_fr":"with DHL","free_returns_text_fr":"Within 30 days with DHL","pdp_contact_and_help_fr":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: France:","pdp_delivery_info_fr":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 4-5 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_free_delivery_fr":"**Free delivery**<br>within 5 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to France.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_fr":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_secure_payment_fr":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_fr":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","standard_delivery_fr":"Standard delivery by DHL","try_on_local_products_delivery_fr":"Available in 4-5 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_fr":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 4-5 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_es":"Free returns within 14 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_fr":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","online_exclusive":"Online Exclusive","payment_failed_overlay_headline":"There appears to have been a payment issue.","payment_failed_overlay_text":"An issue has occurred during the payment process. Please add your items to your shopping cart and try again.","price_from_description":"suggested retail price","enter_coupon_code":"Enter coupon code","coupon_code":"Coupon code","coupon_apply":"Apply","coupon_remove":"Remove coupon","coupon_error_no_code":"Please enter a code","coupon_error_not_valid_anymore":"This coupon is no longer valid","coupon_error_not_a_valid_code":"This code could not be used. Please check the code and try again.","coupon":"code","coupon_error_no_product_for_coupon":"The coupon entered cannot be used for the chosen products in the shopping cart.","reading_time":"Reading time {time} minutes","password_check_too_short":"비밀번호는 9자 이상이어야 합니다.","password_check_unsecured":"안전한 비밀번호는 대문자, 소문자, 특수 문자와 숫자를 포함합니다.","password_check_weak":"취약","password_check_medium":"보통","password_check_strong":"안전","silhouette_stories":"Silhouette Stories","stories_sum":"{{sum}} of {{total}} stories","load_more_stories":"Load more stories","related_articles":"Related Articles","my_size":"My headsize","customize_size":"Customize size","choose_headsize":"Choose your head size","which_size_is_best":"To make sure the glasses fit you well, let us know your head size. Which size is best for you?","small_size_description":"Perfect if you have a small head and wear small hats","medium_size_description":"The most common size, it fits 90% of people","large_size_description":"Slightly larger than medium for extra comfort during long wear","xlarge_size_description":"If you usually have to wear big hats, this is your size","if_you _own_glasses":"If you already own glasses, look at the inside of the temples.","specify_glass_width":"Or specify your glass width","where_find_lens_width":"Where can I find my lens width?","skip_selection":"Skip selection","size_s":"Small","size_m":"Medium","size_l":"Large","size_xl":"X-Large","size_c":"Custom","agree_privacy_no_checkbox":"아래 버튼을 클릭하면 실루엣의 <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">이용약관<\/a> 및<a href=\"{1}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">개인정보 보호정책<\/a>에 동의하는 것입니다.","accept_marketing_consent":"예, 이메일, 우편 또는 메신저 서비스를 통해 트렌드, 프로모션 및 바우처에 대한 정보를 받고 Silhouette에서 개인화된 제품 및 서비스 제안을 받고 싶습니다. 언제든지 구독을 취소할 수 있습니다. 내 데이터의 사용 및 보호에 대한 정보<a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">는<\/a>.","you_lens_width_is_located_on_temple":"Your lens width is located on the inside of the temple. It's the first Number just before the square symbol and usually ranges from 46 to 62 mm.","retailersearch_contact_optician_with_model_subject":" Message: Interested in Silhouette Model {ModelName} {SKU}","retailersearch_contact_optician_with_model_body":"Hi, I'm interested in the Silhouette Model <a href=”{LinkToCurrentPDP}”>{ModelName} {SKU}<\/a>, please contact me to see how I can try it in your store.","personal_data":"Personal data","if_you_own_glasses":"If you already own glasses, look inside the temples.","gwp_short_description":"This product is a gift.","click_and_collect_available":"Click & Collect available","lightness":"Space","style":"스타일","innovation":"혁신","visionaries":"비전","sustainability":"지속가능성","no_timeslot_available":"No timeslot available, please choose another day","headsize_validation_message":"Please enter a size between 30 and 90 mm","gwp_remove":"Remove code","gwp_discount":"Discount","gwp_code":"Code","gwp_gift":"Gift","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_it":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_it":"Customer services are available 8 am - 8 pm Monday - Friday and 9 am to 12 noon on Saturday. Get in touch using the following email address. Italy: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_it":"Free delivery within 5-6 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_it":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_it":"Available in 5-6 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_it":"Free delivery within 6 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_it":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_it":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_time_it":"Delivery in 5-6 working days","free_delivery_text_country_it":"with DHL","free_returns_text_it":"Within 30 days","pdp_contact_and_help_it":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Italy:","pdp_delivery_info_it":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 5-6 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_free_delivery_it":"**Free delivery**<br>within 6 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Italy.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_it":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_secure_payment_it":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_it":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","standard_delivery_it":"Standard delivery by DHL","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_it":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","view_failed_order":"View incorrect order","min_order_value_text":"You need to order a minimum of 135 GBP.","free_delivery_text_country_gb":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_gb":"Within 7 working days","free_shipping":"Free delivery","paid_returns":"Returns","pdp_free_delivery_gb":"**Free delivery**<br>within 7 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to United Kingdom.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_paid_returns_gb":"**Returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns label can be found included in the package. If it gets lost, you can request a new one from customer services.","free_delivery_text_it":"in Italy","delivered_products_delivery_gb":"Free delivery within 7 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_de":"Free delivery within 4 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_at":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_gb":"Free delivery within 7 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_de":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_at":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_gb":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_gb":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>United Kingdom: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_time_gb":"Delivery in 6-7 working days","free_returns_text_gb":"Within 30 days","pdp_contact_and_help_gb":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: United Kingdom:","pdp_secure_payment_gb":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_gb":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","standard_delivery_gb":"Standard delivery by DHL","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_de":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 3-4 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_at":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 3-4 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_gb":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 6-7 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_5_it":"Italy: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>","pdp_paid_returns":"**Returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns label can be found included in the package. If it gets lost, you can request a new one from customer services.","minicart_security_1_gb":"Free delivery within ? working days","minicart_security_2_gb":"Returns within 30 working days","no_shop_in_country":"Ordering of products is currently not possible. Sign up for the newsletter to be the first to know when it happens.","country_switch_overlay_headline":"Change country of delivery","country_switch_overlay_text_available":"When changing countries, this page must be reloaded. Some products are not available in all countries. Vouchers that have been entered must be re-entered. Are you sure you want to continue?","country_switch_overlay_text_not_available":"Changing delivery to this country is not supported currently. However, you can navigate to the product catalogue of your chosen country to see the available products. Would you like to continue?","switch_to_product_overview":"Yes, to product catalogue","country_switch_change":"Yes, change and reload","country_switch_cancel":"No, cancel","minicart_coupon_cue":"A coupon code for online purchase can be applied in the next step.","payment_method_stripe-applepay":"Apple Pay","apple_pay_shopping_cart":"장바구니","click_and_collect_appointment_filename":"click_and_collect_appointment_filename","design":"Design","made-in-austria":"Made in Austria","materials":"Materials","mobile_partner_details":"mobile_partner_details","not_available":"Not available","q":"q","space":"공간","stories_artist":"stories_artist","stories_interviewer":"stories_interviewer","technology":"technology","check_faq_for_help":"FAQ에서 도움말을 찾아보십시오","checkout_accept_marketing_consent":"checkout_accept_marketing_consent","checkout_register_headline":"사용자 계정 만들기","contact_us_at":"이메일로 저희에게 연락하십시오","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_es":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","visit the website":"확인","want_to_visit the website":"홈페이지를 방문하고 싶으십니까?","Try_on_my_account_headline":"가상 착용","card_number_invalid_short_us":"card_number_invalid_short_us","delivered_products_delivery_us":"Free delivery within 7 business days.","delivery_time_us":"Delivery in 7 business days","free_delivery_text_country_us":"with UPS","free_delivery_text_us":"in USA","free_returns_text_us":"Within 30 days","payment_method_ingenico-creditcard_us":"Credit card (3D-Secure)","payment_method_paypal_express_us":"PayPal","pdp_contact_and_help_us":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8:30 am - 6 pm Monday – Friday via the following email address: US:","pdp_free_delivery_us":"**Free delivery**<br>within 7 business days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to US.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_us":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_secure_payment_us":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, Apple Pay, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_us":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","select_state":"State","standard_delivery_us":"Standard delivery by UPS","tax_calculated_in_checkout":"tax_calculated_in_checkout","contact_optician":"Contact optician","apple_pay_pay":"Pay now","apple_pay_cancel_payment":"Cancel Payment","apple_pay_overlay_headline":"Pay order","apple_pay_overlay_subheadline":"Please pay now for your order","payment_method_stripe:us-applepay":"Apple Pay","free_delivery_text_country_dk":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_country_no":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_country_be":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_country_nl":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_country_fi":"with DHL","free_delivery_text_country_se":"with DHL","standard_delivery_dk":"Standard delivery by DHL","standard_delivery_se":"Standard delivery by DHL","standard_delivery_fi":"Standard delivery by DHL","standard_delivery_be":"Standard delivery by DHL","standard_delivery_nl":"Standard delivery by DHL","book_buylocal":"Book and try on at optician","book_without_glasses":"Book without glasses","no_recommendation_selected":"No recommendation selected.","selected":"selected","try_on_local_products_delivery_us":"Available in 5-7 business days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_fi":"Available in 8-9 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_se":"Available in 5-6 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_dk":"Available in 5-6 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_nl":"Available in 4-5 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_be":"Available in 4-5 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_us":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-7 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_fi":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 8-9 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_se":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_dk":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_nl":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_be":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 4-5 working days.","newsletter_registration_success_headline":"Silhouette에 오신 것을 환영합니다!","accept_marketing_consent_short":"Yes, I would like to subscribe to the Silhouette newsletter and receive news about trends, promotions & vouchers as well as personalised offers from Silhouette by email, post or messenger service. You can unsubscribe at any time. Information on data protection and use can be found <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">here<\/a>.","select_your_styledate":"Select silhouette eyewear consultation","order_options":"Order options","click_and_collect_legend":"Click and Collect - order & try on at your optician","map_marker_legend":"Contact opticians without Click & Collect per email","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_dk":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_se":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_fi":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 8-9 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_be":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 4-5 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_nl":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 4-5 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_dk":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_se":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_fi":"Free delivery within 6 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_be":"Free delivery within 4 working days.","delivered_products_delivery_nl":"Free delivery within 4 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_dk":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_dk":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_dk":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_dk":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Denmark: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_se":"Free delivery within 5 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_se":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_se":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_se":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Sweden: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_fi":"Free delivery within 6 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_fi":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_fi":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_fi":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Finland: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_be":"Free delivery within 4 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_be":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_be":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_be":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Belgium: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_nl":"Free delivery within 4 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_nl":"Free returns within 30 working days. The returns information can be found included in the package.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_nl":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_nl":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Netherlands: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_time_dk":"Delivery in 5 working days","delivery_time_se":"Delivery in 5 working days","delivery_time_fi":"Delivery in 6 working days","delivery_time_be":"Delivery in 4 working days","delivery_time_nl":"Delivery in 4 working days","free_returns_text_dk":"Within 30 days","free_returns_text_se":"Within 30 days","free_returns_text_fi":"Within 30 days","free_returns_text_be":"Within 30 days with DHL","free_returns_text_nl":"Within 30 days","pdp_contact_and_help_dk":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Denmark:","pdp_contact_and_help_se":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Sweden:","pdp_contact_and_help_fi":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Finland:","pdp_contact_and_help_be":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Belgium:","pdp_contact_and_help_nl":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Netherlands:","pdp_delivery_info_dk":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 5 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_se":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 5 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_fi":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 6 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_be":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_delivery_info_nl":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_free_delivery_dk":"**Free delivery**<br>within 5 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Denmark.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_delivery_se":"**Free delivery**<br>within 5 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Sweden.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_delivery_fi":"**Free delivery**<br>within 6 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Finland.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_delivery_be":"**Free delivery**<br>within 4 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Belgium.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_delivery_nl":"**Free delivery**<br>within 4 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Netherlands.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_dk":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_free_returns_se":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_free_returns_fi":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_free_returns_be":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_free_returns_nl":"**Free returns**<br>within 30 working days.<br><br>The returns information can be found included in the package.","pdp_secure_payment_dk":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_secure_payment_se":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_secure_payment_fi":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_secure_payment_be":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_secure_payment_nl":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_dk":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_se":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_fi":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_be":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_nl":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","newsletter_registration_success_text":"곧 이메일을 보내드리겠습니다. 등록을 확인해 주세요.","newsletter_registration_success":"Thank you for your registration.","checkout_error_min_order_value":"안타깝게도 이 주문은 최소주문금액 미만입니다.","payment_method_stripe:br-creditcard-applepay":"Kreditkarte","payment_method_stripe:br-applepay":"Apple Pay","checkout_buy_local_rimless_info":"It may be possible that the order is delivered with a different shape of the glasses. ","back_to_previous":"뒤로","standard_delivery_no":"Standard delivery by DHL","try_on_local_products_delivery_no":"Available in 5-6 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_no":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_no":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","shop_at_tmall":"Shop at Tmall","checkout_accept_terms_buy_local_br":"I wish to have my selected items sent to the Click & Collect partner optician of my choice and agree that my personal data are processed for this purpose to the extent outlined in the <a href=\"{0}\" class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" target=\"_blank\">privacy policy<\/a> under Click & Collect. I am aware that my personal data will be transferred to the country-specific subsidiary of Silhouette as well as the selected optician, and that all of the aforementioned parties along with Silhouette International are joint controllers within the meaning of Art. 26 of the GDPR with regard to the processing of said data. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any data processing that was conducted on the basis of your consent until this point does not become unlawful retroactively in case such consent is withdrawn. ","delivered_products_delivery_br":"Free delivery within 7 working days.","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_br":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 3-4 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_1_br":"Free delivery within 7 working days.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_2_br":"Free returns within 7 working days. The returns label can be found inside the package. If it is missing, you can request a new one from customer services.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_3_br":"Secure payment with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_4_br":"Get in touch with customer services 8 am – 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am – 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address:<br><br>Brasil: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link uk-link-text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","delivery_overlay_ecom_bullet_5_br":"Brasil: <a href=\"\"><\/a><br>"," delivery_time_br":"Delivery in 6 working days","free_delivery_text_br":"in Brasil","free_delivery_text_country_br":"with DHL","free_returns_text_br":"Within 7 days","pdp_contact_and_help_br":"**Contact & FAQs**<br>Get in touch with customer services 8 am - 8 pm Monday – Friday and 9 am - 12 am on Saturdays via the following email address: Brasil:","pdp_delivery_info_br":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 3-4 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","pdp_free_delivery_br":"**Free delivery**<br>within 7 working days.<br><br>Currently we only deliver to Austria.<br>You will be alerted if parts of an order can't be delivered.","pdp_free_returns_br":"**Free returns**<br>within 7 working days.<br><br>The returns label can be found included in the package. If it gets lost, you can request a new one from customer services.","pdp_secure_payment_br":"**Secure payment**<br>with PayPal, credit or debit card.<br><br>Once an order is successfully completed, we will send an order confirmation to the email address provided.","pdp_security_and_data_privacy_br":"**Security and privacy**<br>In our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/privacy\">privacy policy,<\/a> we explain in detail how we use your data and what your rights are regarding the usage of your personal data.<br><br>Our <a class=\"uk-link\" href=\"https:\/\/\/terms\">Terms & Conditions<\/a>","standard_delivery_br":"Standard delivery by DHL","try_on_local_products_delivery_br":"Available in 3-4 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_br":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 3-4 working days.","cannot_find_retailer_on_map":"I can't find my retailer on the map.","save_selected_retailer":"Save selection","next_slide":"next slide","previous_slide":"previous slide","no_retailer_selected":"No Retailer selected.","silhouette_availability_other_country":"실루엣닷컴은 {0}에서 사용할 수 있습니다. ","change_to_other_country":"귀하의 주소로 쇼핑할 수 있도록 페이지를 변경하십시오.","choose_country":"국가 선택","shop_now":"지금 쇼핑하기","no_delivery_country":"현재 실루엣닷컴은 귀하의 국가로 배송되지 않습니다. ","what_to_do":"어떻게 하시겠습니까?","stay_on_silhouette":" {0}에 계속 머물기","international":"International","split_explore_blocks_custom_button_label":"Custom Label","buy_merchandise_in_onlineshop":"실루엣 액세서리를 온라인으로 구매하세요.","merchandise_from_silhouette":"실루엣 액세서리 ","slide_compare_no_animations_button":"View all models","cpf":"CPF","payment_method_paypal_express_br":"PayPal","copy_to_clipboard":"템플릿을 클립보드에 복사","copy_success":"템플릿 복사","search_retailer":"여기에 소매업체 이름을 입력하세요.","select_retailer":"소매업체 선택","select_retailer_cta":"소매업체 선택","delivery_overlay_buy_local_bullet_3_ch":"We will send the products in your Click & Collect basket to the partner optician you have selected completely free of charge. They should arrive at the optician within 5-6 working days.","we_sent_confirm_email_buy_local_anytime_ch":"The selected Click & Collect partner has been informed about your order. Your order will be available at the partner optician within the next 5-6 working days.","try_on_local_products_delivery_ch":"Available in 5-6 working days.","delivery_time_ch":"Delivery in 5-6 working days","pdp_delivery_info_ch":"Deliver free of charge to Click & Collect partner optician (no obligation to buy). Available from optician in 5-6 working days. Only pay for the items you like.","choose_your_delivery_type":"배송 방법 선택","back_to_shop":"상점으로 돌아가기","cancel_overlay_headline":"헤드라인을 닫으시겠습니까?","cancel_overlay_text":"선택 내용이 저장되지 않습니다.","cancel_overlay_cancel":"상품으로 돌아가기","cancel_overlay_continue":"선택 계속하기 ","add_to_cart_notification":"이 제품이 장바구니에 추가되었습니다.","order_button":"이 제품 주문하기","product_price":"상품 가격","skip_for_now":"건너뛰기","select_appointment":"원하는 날짜와 시간을 선택하세요.","click_collect_products_in_cart":"장바구니의 제품을 클릭하고 수령하기","remove_click_collect_products_in_cart":"현재 장바구니에 안경원으로 배송될 제품이 들어 있습니다. 먼저 주문 절차를 완료해 주세요.","appointment_step":"예약","confirmation":"확인","payment":"체크아웃","guest_checkout":"게스트 결제","guest_checkout_info":"고객 결제 정보","checkout_account":"계정으로 결제하기","continue_with_login":"로그인 계속하기","continue_to_payment":"결제 계속하기","back_to_delivery":"배송으로 돌아가기","retailer":"매장","invalid_code":"This voucher code is invalid","to_shopping_cart":"장바구니로 이동","save_your_order":"주문 저장","complete_registration":"주문을 확인하려면 이메일로 등록을 완료하세요.","overview_orders":"이번 주문 및 이전 주문 개요","processing_orders":"향후 주문의 편리한 처리","manage_user_data":"사용자 데이터 관리","create_new_account_after_checkout":"계정 만들기","return_to_home":"홈 페이지로 돌아가기","your_selection":"선택 항목","ecom_products_in_cart":"온라인 쇼핑 카트에 있는 제품들","remove_ecom_products_in_cart":"현재 장바구니에는 주소로 배송될 제품이 포함되어 있습니다. 온라인 주문 프로세스를 먼저 완료해 주세요.","acuity_check_floater":"Test your Vision","acuity_check_floater_button":"Try free Vision Checker","retailer_selection_acuity_check":"Select a partner optician for vision checker","acuity_check_appointment":"Select appointment for your test","choose_your_appointment_acuity_check":"Please choose your preferred appointment time and date at your optician. ","acuity_check_recommendations":"Explore our Silhouette Highlights","acuity_check_recommendations_description":"Optionally choose up to 3 favourites and try them at your optician.","acuity_check_order_placed_successfully":"You have successfully booked your appointment","we_sent_confirm_email_acuity_check_order":"Thank you for your trust. We have sent you a confirmation email per e-mail. ","acuity_check_appointment_placed_successfully":"You have successfully booked your appointment","we_sent_confirm_email_acuity_check_appointment":"Thank you for your trust. We have sent you a confirmation email per e-mail. ","your_acuity_check":"Your Vision Check","acuity_check_appointment_title":"Silhouette Vision Checker","acuity_check_appointment_description":"Your personal Silhouette Vision Checker appointment","stories_current":"현재 스토리","stories_archived":"보관된 스토리","minicart_limit_chf":"The shopping cart must not exceed a total limit of 950 CHF.","optician_unavailable_error":"The selected optician is not available for online appointments. You can either choose another partner or make an appointment directly with your optician.","book_appointment":"Book appointment","your_appointment":"Your Appointment","max_length_2000":"Must be less than 2000 characters","related_stories":"Related Stories","payment_method_invoice":"인보이스","arrange_appointment_appointment":"시험 예약 선택","archived":"아카이브","accept_marketing_consent_us":"I will be informed about trends, promotions and vouchers by email, post or messaging service, and will receive personalised product and service offers from Silhouette.","face_shape_recommendation":"얼굴형에 기반한 추천","face_shape_not_detected":"얼굴형이 인식되지 않았습니다. 카메라에 얼굴이 잘 보이도록 하고 다시 시도해 주세요.","try_again":"다시 시도하세요","snapshot":"Snapshot","download":"Download","silhouette_logo":"Silhouette Logo","go_to_post":"Go to Social Media Post","mail_to_support":"Mail to Support","faq_delivery":"Go to FAQ Free Delivery ","faq_free_returns":"Go to FAQ Free Returns","faq_secure_payment":"Go to FAQ Secure Payment","faq_privacy":"Go to FAQ Privacy","scroll_top":"Scroll to Top","send_via_email":"이메일로 보내기","send_vto_snapshot_success_headline":"전송 성공","send_vto_snapshot_success_text":"곧 이메일을 보내드립니다.","payment_method_stripe:br-creditcard":"Kreditkarte","discover":"discover","read_story":"Read the story"}