Legal Notice
Silhouette International Schmied AG
Postfach 538
Ellbognerstrasse 24
4020 Linz (Austria)
Telefon +43 (0) 732 3848-0
Telefax +43 (0) 732 3848-422
VAT No.: ATU36926403
Company Register No.: FN 78436y, Linz Regional Court
The layout of the website and its individual content elements, such as photos, graphics and texts are protected by copyright. Copyright belongs to Silhouette and any commercial or marketing use thereof is only allowed with the prior express consent of Silhouette. Acquiring consent is essential, otherwise claims may arise for the infringement of copyright law or personal rights from the copyright owners and/or persons depicted, or from Silhouette. Due attention must be paid to time limitations of copyright laws in the case of consent given by Silhouette, and likewise to the obligatory accreditation of copyright-owners or photographers.
Copyright guidelines for the “Download” function
Photos from the Silhouette Website obtained via the “Download” function are available for private usage. Silhouette International’s business partners, their regional organisations and affiliated trade press outlets may also use them for marketing purposes and other commercial purposes, as long as they are not employed in any context that poses a risk to Silhouette’s reputation. Any kind of editing or alteration of the photos is prohibited. Changes made exclusively to the size of the photos without changing the proportions of the content in the image does not constitute an act of editing. Strict attention must be given to time limitations within the copyright laws.
Concept | Design | Production
Netural GmbH